Designers should never use ICONS just for the sake of having ICONS.
Doing SOA just for the sake of SOA will not yield a lot of benefit.
Standards should be enabling, not restricting just for the sake of it.
Making project reports, assignments or presentations just for the sake of it.
So, just for the sake of completeness, let me just write down what we would do.
Gluttony's not about eating considerable amounts but eating just for the sake of it.
Criticizing someone just for the sake of putting them down makes both of you miserable.
Let's say, just for the sake of discussion, that perfection is possible in some cases.
For the quirkyalone, there is no patience for dating just for the sake of not being alone.
If the work doesn't improve somehow, change just for the sake of change isn't a good idea.
However, that doesn't mean you should ask anything just for the sake of making conversation.
The most prominent category is things that do cool things just for the sake of doing cool things.
He said that these probes installed in an iron rack just for the sake of saving public resources.
In youth journey, even if you take the unreasonable, are just for the sake of the most simple wish.
Just for the sake of this article, let's build a model to get a firmer grip on the notion "service".
Just for the sake of variety, I'll substitute rope cable curls for the bar cable version twice a month.
I hated running just for the sake of running, yet I would try to run daily and usually pull a muscle or two.
As I mentioned earlier, it's a big mistake to move data from client to server just for the sake of validation.
I guess I'm not a sports fan, but I don't see the fun in defeating people just for the sake of defeating them.
A wise decision is being awaited, not just for the sake of job market per se, but for the sake of our nation in toto.
You always want to sing the melody and make sure you're not messing with the song just for the sake of messing with it.
Wine party smallpox, extravagant luxury residence, colorful gorgeous clothes, just for the sake of his heart love Daisy.
Use your voice. You don't embark on a quest for your voice just for the sake of beauty — a noble pursuit, but it's not enough.
Even though you might think that text-only slides are boring, you shouldn't add graphics just for the sake of adding graphics.
Managing multiple configurations just for the sake of having different command-line arguments is a bad idea in most situations.
"What we don't need right now are knee-jerk laws, introduced just for the sake of being seen to do something," he told SPIEGEL ONLINE.
My life, my personality decided my choice, I think I made the right choice. Now all our efforts, just for the sake of the future dream.
Those rich party, is not as harmonious as they see, they just for the sake of money, in order to benefit, their life is nothing but a deal.
Those rich party, is not as harmonious as they see, they just for the sake of money, in order to benefit, their life is nothing but a deal.