Don't waste time whining about it, if you just get going you can always find the virtue in whatever the task may be.
And if you just get going your emotions changes a lot of the time and any initial resistance becomes fun and enthusiasm instead.
Just as I started to think that I was never going to get well, the illness began to recede.
One of them put it like this: "You know, Bob, you can just buy so much stuff, and when you get to the point where you can just buy so much stuff, now what are you going to do?"
The thing that I really liked about Rory's experiment is that he not only got that classical conditioning going but the fact that he could get them next just to that specific coloured market.
We do believe that we can achieve progress, but it's going to get worse before it gets better, just as did Iraq.
They have to, because the state we're in now with technology is just the beginning - that rate of change is only going to get faster and faster.
I really thought that one of these days I'm going to get my life together and we're going to get married and we're just going to have this happy old family.
It's like you're sending tear gas into their areas, and that's just going to get them spreading all over the apartment, into other apartments. (See pictures of animal eyes.)
If anyone tried to stop me going I would get so angry I would just run out of the house and go anyway.
I was the last one to get in here so I'm just going to enjoy myself and try to play my best tennis, like in Asia.
It's kind of dangerous, I know, but if you just think about danger you're never going to get ahead in life.
Just like anything in life, you aren't going to get what you want if you don't ask for it.
I predict that those same big media companies are going to get their clocks cleaned by small innovators, just as they did on the web.
The point is, if you just can't get things done, and this has been going on for a long time, then it's time to self-introspect and find out what this is all about.
There are obvious benefits to being warm blooded. Like not having to sit in the sun for a few hours just to get going in the morning.
Scientists say life on Earth is wiped out every 27 million years, and we have 16 million years left. So we’re all going to die just when we finally get our debt paid off.
If you just immediately decide in the way that's most comfortable to you, chances are you're not going to get the best outcome.
Peggy: Sorry. It's just that I think I blew the final and now my parents are going to get all bent out of shape.
I'm just going back and forth meaninglessly because I'm never going to get anyplace. "Right?"
Ithelps me understand that there is something going on here between behavior andlanguage that I just don't get.
Stepping out everyday and interacting with people shouldn't be that difficult. Even if you don't get a chance to talk, just going outside and watching people could be refreshing.
Furthermore, you won't get lost just as easy when the driver knows where they're going!
It's all up to you, and it takes just an hour a day for a month to get things going.
And the roads are just going to get more congested.
A: Well, he shouldn't be long. He said he was just going to get some paint.
If you get a stain on your outfit just before going out for the night, you'd think the best solution would be to change.
Once it's set up, the farmer just needs to call that phone and enter a code to get it going.
Of course, if you were to just keep going, you'd get into the pure liquid phase.
Of course, if you were to just keep going, you'd get into the pure liquid phase.