I just got in a few hours ago but I look around now and think 'what a wonderful club'.
She still jumped to catch toys in midair, ran faster than other dogs, as though, my father would say, the other leg just got in the way.
Just as I got to the school gate, I realized I had left my book in the cafe.
Just as I got to the school gate, I realised I had left my book in the cafe.
I've got both an option to check the module, though in this case I'm just going to run it.
My sister just happened to have one and she can't go since she has got some sort of conflict in her schedule.
As she got closer, we saw the spear in her hand was just a wooden pole.
Tony has just got a position in a big company.
In the end a guard arrived in his car, and the lion just got off our car and started smelling the guard's hand as if nothing was the matter.
Perhaps the note in French she had written to Sallie halfway across the study hall just for fun had never got to Sallie but into Miss O'Shay's hands instead.
His own children have got into the habit of playing outside now: "We just send them out into the garden and tell them not to come back in for a while."
Between them, the three leading candidates now poll 75% of voters; in the first round in 2002, the top three got just 53%.
Now 36, this Asian billionaire got his start in just 2005 by opening a Solar Energy company.
The youngster just got sand up its snout after playing in the sand and needed his mother's help to get it out.
THE term “bargain basement” was supposedly coined to describe the first outlet of Filene’s Basement, an American discount shopping chain whose bags scream “I just got a bargain!” in large red letters.
“I’ve got to do a better job, just like everybody else in Washington does,” he said.
I've got just five sous in the world, and I've pawned everything.
No one’s going to say to them, ‘You don’t have to work extra hard to get that project done; just turn in what you got.’
In this case, it is the full path to the file that just got created. (as you'll see in just a bit, the second argument is a list - you can pass back as many comma-delimited values as you'd like.)
It's kind of like this other level where you can't make choices anymore, and it's just your body reacting to certain sounds in the music. I got my name just because I was so young.
She is starting to do more work in films and just got cast as one of the Charlie's Angels television series!
I just now got a call asking about the bike AD I put in the newspapers.
You've just got a chart on the wall in your fancy office in Washington with this bill at the top and all the states listed below.
He said he had hoped he would be able to extricate himself from the scheme when the markets recovered but instead just got deeper in.
But then there came a point where I was just got sick of not having any confidence in every area of my life (it caused insomnia).
The boss just acted as a taskmaster but mostly got in the way with a lot of pressure and asking for time-consuming reports.
That, along with just turning to the next page in my daily journal, got me going.
Western private-sector actors are also working against each other: Nabucco competes for its Azerbaijani resources with the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (which just got a major new investor in Germany's E.
I know it got a little warm, and you guys just hung in there like troopers.
In the evening he got up and, barefoot, just as he was, in his hospital gown, walked out.