This episode gave doctor Meyer her first clue to something every doctor learns sooner or later — most people just don't listen very well.
I suppose I'll just listen to the new CD I bought this weekend.
What's interesting are all of the vocal nuances so let's listen to just a bit of this please.
This is good news for men - you're not expected to respond, just to listen.
So if you're gonna pick a fight sight unseen, listen first. Just to make sure the other guy doesn't sound like this.
Stuff like why they refuse to nap even though they are tired, or, in this particular case, why they just don't listen to anything we say (over and over and over again infinity).
Listen to this programme for some tips on how to choose wine for drinking with food or just to drink on its own.
This episode gave doctor Mayer her first clue to something every doctor learns sooner or later — most people just don't listen very well.
In our radio broadcast, Jan and I explore (just hit the "Listen" button on this page) possible explanations for this tendency to slip into turns.
But if you're writing for the world, you have to listen to your customers-this doesn't change just because they're not paying you in money.
However, Morricone neither work just with Leone (listen the amazing soundtrack of Nuovo Cinema Paradiso, by Giuseppe Tornatore) nor was the only one to achieve this sympathy.
It's called "Great Gate of Kiev" So let's listen to a little of this, 1874, I believe, or 1870s surely, and let's listen to a bit of it and then we're going to focus just on the rhythm.
The window, just three Chinese parasol, this is the picture I listen to, I was in the past.
Well, please listen to me carefully: I love each green leaf, I hate this thought style and such behavior of measuring others' corn by its own bushel just like you!
To listen in this way takes practice, and, it can be easily learned by anyone who is willing to put their own ego aside and just open themselves to experiencing the totality of the other person.
Finally listen to the teacher said that this is just a haze, due to excessive dust formation.
Mother this age, natural love burst out, others didn't want to listen to children have to listen to, and that may be installed to pretend the audience like to just go.
This is music to change the world. So please, don't just listen, but also feel it, and live it.
This is one of those situations where you'll just have to install the speakers, listen with the crossovers sitting in your lap, and move jumpers around until you find what works best.
I think everyone is just hopeful that people will wake up a bit and realize that the more we speak up, the more the people that do have the authority to make changes in this world listen.
Listen to her feeling suspicious of tone inside, I know Ning frost it has been two days since this words hid in mind, at this time just speak can see she is to really and how oppose me to do so.
This is the worst because it requires me to listen to the message more than once, which wastes my time and makes it more likely, if I am busy or in a hurry, that I will just delete the message.
Sam: Listen This is just the beginning there is a lot of things to do in the future.
Because it was alone teach, so that she just listen to me by this way, Neil asked us to show when guests visited.
When calling to the other side again, reply even if " this thing and I am irrespective , just listen to others to say, did not call to me ".
Just about every pet owner has a story like this and is eager to share it with anyone who will listen. On very short notice, TIME reporters came up with.......
This text from how actually review lesson's just more valid this problem to commence, study at new how under the course principle carry on listen to of teaching lesson with review lesson.
This text from how actually review lesson's just more valid this problem to commence, study at new how under the course principle carry on listen to of teaching lesson with review lesson.