The kid needed that big city swagger to survive on mean streets but doesn't just lose it if he moves to a mild-mannered town.
"If you lose, think carefully about it, and if you win, just work harder," the young pianist said, "I still need to practise more to become better, to bring out the real beauty of classical music through the piano."
Tom decided that he’d eat fast food three times a day for a month, just like Spurlock…but he’d LOSE weight, not gain it.
It is also not just about how they perceive themselves, but how others perceive them: they believe they will lose the respect of friends and colleagues if they fail.
All have delivered the message that football is more than just a game. Football is not only about winning; it is also a school of life where you must learn to lose, and that is not easy.
If those fail to materialise, it is not just Florida and Texas that will lose out.
It helped me to see myself differently, increase my self-confidence, lose my desire to drink or smoke and just feel at one with the world.
Just as you save your essay constantly so you don't lose your work, or back up your entire hard drive in case it crashes, it's prudent to have a copy of your social media data.
And if the price of gas falls so far that drilling becomes unaffordable, Pinedale will not just lose the backbone of its economy. It will have lost some of its natural beauty, too.
If we would just look to history it would be self-evident that there is nothing left to win in Afghanistan, and everything to lose.
You are totally right to feel upset about breaking the mug as it was a sentimental item, but you can't lose the memories just because of a broken thing.
Resolve to talk to your partner about a troublesome relationship problem and it just may help you lose 5 pounds. Emotional stress can cause weight gain, depression and high blood pressure.
But, just like I didn't lose this much weight and body mass in a week or a month, my doctors expect it will take until late this spring to regain it.
Although hitting a plateau is common most people are surprised when it happens to them believing that if they just maintain a reduced-calorie diet they should continue to lose weight.
The credit crisis will damage not just the reputation of the financial system but also the lives of those who lose their houses, businesses and jobs as a result of it.
The British press dubbed the 5 foot 6 inch girl "Britain's Fattest Teen," but it wasn't just the cruel title that motivated her to take action and lose weight.
"It is very unusual, but when kangaroos become panicked, they lose all sense of caution and just fly for where they think they can get away," Baxter said.
If you've written much SAX code, you know that it's extremely easy to lose data, or lose precision of data, or just reformat it accidentally.
Research shows that people who lose a lot of weight very quickly are more likely to gain it back. Just as you may have seen in the "Where are They Now?"
Even if you're a alleged lover has just dropped 60 pounds and you want to get her a scale as a means of congratulating that effort, to her it just looks like she needs to lose some more.
But it pays to plan ahead, just in case the politicians lose the last of their marbles.
I don’t care who you are; you have time to “just do it” and chase something you want or need. You’ll just have to get less sleep, lose free time, and make lots of other sacrifices.
Selling detergent in a supermarket can make you more extroverted, " said Chen, "If you lose sight of your aim, it`s just a boring task."
Diabetes does not just mean you take a pill or injection every day. It means you can lose a decade of life.
Research shows that in fact, most people add just one pound during the holidays—but then they never lose it.
And it all went on one page, and even underneath each of those items it was all just stuff that was very easy to understand, like: “The fastest way to make money is to stop doing things that lose it.”
And it all went on one page, and even underneath each of those items it was all just stuff that was very easy to understand, like: “The fastest way to make money is to stop doing things that lose it.”