And I don't know how I can do without. I just need you now. Guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all.
Just implement exactly what you need now, and if you need more stuff later, you can add it then.
Now you just need a function for reading all of this data back from local storage.
Now have all of your functions, you just need something to drive the program so that you can test it.
Instead of creating folders for everything, and then diligently filing, you could now just hit "archive" and then use Gmail's very fast search engine to find what you need.
Now, if you have some message, you just need to interpret its bytes as a number "M." If you want to "encrypt" a message to create a "ciphertext", you'd calculate
So, you have a reference to the jQuery-selected elements that were passed into the method, and now you just need to iterate through them.
Now you just need to subscribe (via RSS or email) to make sure you get the new posts as they come out.
Now we need to switch the server you created to use the server configuration you just imported.
In the early mapping of risks to iterations you don't need to create a detailed plan of project activities; just mapping risks to iterations is good enough for now.
While "taking up photography" might sound like a great idea now, but when you find out you need to wake before the sun and head out at dusk just to get the best lighting, you might not be as excited.
Since you did not call any functions or use any local storage, you did not need a stack frame at all, so you can now just exit through the link register.
Now scientists writing in the journal Nature show that the current model can actually generate dwarf galaxies just fine. You just need to look at the stars.
而现在,天文学家们在《自然》杂志上撰文指出,其实现有的模型已经能够很好地解释矮星系的形成, 我们要做的只是仰望星空。
You can't just say to a software development team, "OK, you're now an Agile team - you need to self-organize".
The choice of whether to reuse or not pay until you need the resources is now yours, but you no longer need to have the spare capacity there, waiting for the "just in case" situation to occur.
您可以选择重用资源,或者直到需要时再购买资源,但是不再需要保留备用容量 “以防万一”。
Now, if you're a already a professional, then you might just need your own personal set of portable chopsticks.
And I can tell you right now, if you're just e-mailing pictures to your buddies, you don't need it.
However, when your application starts you have no Suggestions, so you just need a placeholder to store it for now, as shown in Listing 7.
For now, you just want to collect a list of the fields that you'll need in these tables.
The cost of living is now so high that you need to earn a good income just to keep your head above water.
Now you are told that it's the first two paragraphs that need the styling, not just the first one.
Now that you have declared your two classes, you just need to tell the JPA runtime how to connect to your database.
When you describe any event, all you need to do is to provide the necessary adverbs indicating the time at which the event occurs, such as "just now", "yesterday"and"tomorrow'.
"I really can't give you anything... the only thing left is my dying roots," the tree said with tears. "I don't need much now, just a place to rest."
Now you need to create the following interaction sets, which will use the filters you just created to make business decisions.
There are plenty of things you probably have in your house right now that could serve as weights — you just need to be a little creative to get started.
Now you just need to make it submit via Ajax, too, by attaching a handler to the form's submit event.
Now that you have a class to model images from Flickr, you just need a way to get some data to stuff into these classes.
Now that you have a class to model images from Flickr, you just need a way to get some data to stuff into these classes.