We can see past occurrences of climate change that took place over just a few hundred years.
It's because that is one aspect of travel that I love, just feeling the difference in a new place until it becomes commonplace, if I stay long enough for that to happen.
People say that when you misplace an object in your home, instead of tearing the place apart looking for it, you should just be patient, and the object you are looking for will eventually turn up.
The last place we went to, just a few miles out of town, was an old Root Beer Barrel drive-in that had been converted to a truck stop.
You'd be bitterly disappointed, even though it's not the fault of that place - that's just how the place is.
Sister Jude: I just felt that I would like to be in the atmosphere and the life of young people that had the same attitude toward God that I had. I felt that was my place.
She said: "I'm still a bad girl." I still have that side of me, it's just in its place now. It belongs to Brad or our adventures.
You can't just say that because the phones contain useful technology, you remove the systems in place to protect children and staff from the abuse of them.
Most of the parts are in place and functioning, but Degen and Tao still need to obtain the refrigeration unit that will cool the system to just above absolute zero.
There is a time and a place to throw in something fun, just know that you should use these types of fonts wisely and springily.
When you see just one frequency of light, it is disturbing and the eye tries to accommodate itself to the experience and in the process, different tones appear that do not exist in the place.
Did we just continue to place one bet, in the form of Victoria, or do we place a second bet out of house so that we maintain the momentum we are achieving here with the integrated approach.
Now you have to wait for the long painful process of installing updates while you sit there and get angry that you just lost your place.
The case is just one of many drunk driving accidents that take place across the country.
But this is an extremely high-risk strategy, not just for Greece but for the whole of Europe, and to attempt it would require that a lot of planning had already taken place.
This is a story of transformation. It is change that is already taking place, and change that can accelerate if you'll just open your heart and join in....
The cut proposed by 2020 is just 17%, which means that most of the reduction will take place towards the end of the period.
Closets are a great place to store things that you don’t want out in the open, and can easily become a place where you shove things just to keep them out of view.
整理橱柜。 橱柜里有大量的空间可以存放你不想放在外边的物品,是很容易保存不想放在眼跟前的东西的地方。
Some people are like that when it comes to testing software; regardless of the circumstances, they're able to find just the right place to exercise the software under test to find critical bugs.
It's not that I doubt the world will be a very different place in 100 years, it's just that he hasn't considered the technological factors of what makes humans human.
Here are just a few of the foods that can take the place of the junk... and keep your diet in check.
And the title's "Nature" reminds us of our place in the world, not only among works of aesthetic brilliance but, to take just one humble example beloved by Jarman, that sea kale that we met earlier.
Q: You just said that the idea of an anti-terrorism organization was put forward two years ago. However, it is not in place yet.
This particular one is among the most inexpensive (if you order from the right place), weights just over a third of a pound and folds up small in the bag that comes with it.
Most people come up with a purpose just for the heck of it and then they find out that they are not really passionate about it in the first place.
This is not a simple case of "just move everything" : You may have features or functions that are in place for testing purposes or are not critical and can be recovered later.
It's very easy to go through and list these facts and make it look like everything just seemed to easily fall in it's own perfect little place, but the truth of the matter is that it didn't.
It's very easy to go through and list these facts and make it look like everything just seemed to easily fall in it's own perfect little place, but the truth of the matter is that it didn't.