I was just on the phone with my astrologer, and she predicted I'd get a call from a co-worker!
Yet spending on ads carried over cell-phone networks last year amounted to just $1.5 billion worldwide, a fraction of the $424 billion global ad market.
Imagine you are pouring your heat out to someone and they are just busy on their phone, and if you ask for their attention you get the response—I can multitask.
Like I explained on the phone, we've always had our rehearsals in the Lincoln Auditorium every day at 3 o'clock and it's always worked just great.
We can share our videos with our friends by just a click on the mobile phone screen.
Send a card, give them a little present or call them on the phone just to say "I value our friendship".
It could be using an online log, or on a forum, or through email, or the phone, or just by telling your co-workers what you did this morning.
Just the thought of someone like Dad's killer being able to harass a family on a cell phone seems outrageous.
So maybe take a pass by a mirror in a room at some point and just look at yourself talking on the phone, and realize 'Am I being expressive?
It's not just low volume or poor reception that makes it hard to hear people on the other end of a mobile phone call, say US researchers.
Next month, the transaction appears on your phone bill, as the carrier agreement dictates…just like with Minitel transactions. (Note the carrier role, to be revisited.)
We don't really want to spend a lot of time on the cell phone, but we carry it around with us religiously just in case something happens.
Women feel the need to spend roughly one third of their waking hours talking. Whether they're talking on the phone, or in person, women just plain talk too much.
Soon you can dial up your friend just using a headset. The rest of the phone can be on your belt.
On the mobile phone, it required 100 seconds to run, but once offloaded to another computer, the same task took just one second.
Just install an application on your phone that makes use of the RFID reader and network connection.
"We just saw it as: 'Let's have fun with the funny women we know'," she explains over the phone. "we weren't setting out on a mission."
You must remember from the day that I found out that Michael was no longer with us, when my mother screamed 'he's dead' on the phone, I just went into this, 'Who did it?
But whichever technique is being used, the application is relying on network-available facilities, not just features of your phone itself.
Or you could try focusing on something else that is now, at long last, scientifically guaranteed to improve your mood. Just make sure you turn the phone off.
Even while just standing in one place, a rapid decline in the number of signal bars can be observed depending on how the phone is gripped.
Just as firefighters were about to jerry-rig another plunger with a cable, the man called his girlfriend on his cell phone.
Moving on to the meat. Upon first touch, the Puma Phone is -- due to the solar panel on the back -- a tad heavier than it looks, but it does feel solid with just a little creakiness when squeezed.
If the world thought that the PC and mobile phone had revolutionised the way we live our lives, then just wait for the impact of video and pictures on the Internet.
If the world thought that the PC and mobile phone had revolutionised the way we live our lives, then just wait for the impact of video and pictures on the Internet.