Most of my experiences from my "just say yes" campaign have been positive, but not all of them.
Try to answer the questions in to a natural way instead of reciting some prepared answers and Keep talking, do not just say yes or no.
A. Yes, and I'm proud to say, we did it man. We changed the world, just look around you.
So, yes, and I should say, of course you can also use the gradient and other things like approximation formulas and so on and so far, it's just notation.
I'm going to move on, and yes you can make an argument out of that but let me just move on and show you exactly why I say that.
If you are interested but you don't want to say 'yes' just yet, use this.
Just wanted to make sure we're talking about the same thing before I say, 'Yes, I agreed, no I didn't agree, "he said."
Yes, so I say to them, I tell them if you do not understand, just have a look watch, clockwise to go where where is clockwise, which in turn is counterclockwise.
Yes, therefs one just round the corner. They say it's one of the best schools in the area.
Just I not is say, I some weariness, yes, I can't drown again my affection, I want to walk through whole life with you.
We just need to continue to say 'yes' and resist a culture of' no ', accept the inevitability of failures, and continue iterating until we get things right.
"If somebody tells you you have no pants, just say you forgot, and yes it's cold, yes it's unfortunate," he said.
Whenever you get invited somewhere, even if you feel uncomfortable about going, just say "yes" and see where it takes you.
Actually yes, I have. Just this morning I was standing next to the big boss and neither of us knew what to say to each other.
However, affected by various kinds of unfavorable factors, most consumers just say "yes" instead of taking advantages of consumption credit system.
Yes. His resume is very impressive. Looking just at that, I'd say he is qualified.
You'd rather live with that little fool who can't open her mouth except to say "yes" or "no" and raise a pastel of mealy - mouthed brats just like her.
You'd rather live with that silly little fool who can't open her mouth except to say "yes", "no", and raise a household of mealy-mouthed brats just like her!
When deciding whether to say "yes", imagine that you're accepting a job that you'll have to do next week. Don't agree to something just because it seems so far off that it doesn't seem onerous.
What did you expect me to do lie in front of all those people, just automatically say yes.
What did you expect me to do lie in front of all those people, just automatically say yes.