Instead, they're running battles to get kids to eat, behave, or just sit down at the table.
Two old people just sit down, a waiter will come over to the elderly out of $ 6 tea money.
Anybody can do it if they just sit down and put their minds to it. "Here's how the conversation goes."
Oh, don't wrry about it. We're delighted you could come. Now dinner is ready. Just sit down at the table.
At the cafe, your partner won't know what to look for so suggest that you just sit down and have a cup of coffee.
Say you want to build a recipe organizing program. Nobody can really just sit down and build a recipe organizer. That's a goal, not a task.
Please remember that JOTI is not a completely pre-organized key-in-the-box event where you can just sit down, pay a ticket and enjoy the show.
Dr Klein said: 'it is incredibly simple -you just sit down in the evening and write down the moments where you feel happy and the circumstances.
If you're not set on getting your hair cut by a certain stylist, you can schedule a consultation, where you just sit down and talk with the hairdresser.
Just sit down in front of your home computer or TV and enter what you want, when you want it, from an electronic catalogue containing thousands of titles.
Wouldn't it be great if you could just sit down at your computer, do the work you need to, without even thinking once about logging into Facebook or Twitter?
Sitting at the dining room table, I slumped in my chair, aware that this was the first time since I came home from work that I'd been able to just sit down.
You can share other members' troubles and successes, give your children some attention, or just sit down for a moment instead of rushing through life aimlessly.
And so I said, "Can't you possibly just sit down with your manager and say 'this is what I need regarding my time in order to manage to have harmony in my life?"
Most of the time they don't read the literature on the subject, or consult experts about the "right way" to do it, they just sit down, write the code, and make things work.
"To sit down and have somebody look at me and talk to me like a person and not just an illness, it helped me feel cared about and less alone," she says.
He meant that they sit down with each other, not just over the occasional meal, but over the course of their lives.
But with all the talk and speculation flying around out there, perhaps Apple (and CEO Steve Jobs in particular) just wants to sit people down to talk about the issue.
Just sit there and let your mind wander through everything in your life and write down everything that concerns you, that you're trying to remember, that you're working through.
Most people nowadays just sit in front of the TV in their flat, then take the lift down to their car. They don't use their bloody legs.
The last two or three years, you just see how the season goes, sit down and chat with the gaffer at Christmas and go from there.
Just tell your partner you'd like to sit down and have a talk about the future - what your goals are and how you can work together, as a team, to achieve them.
只要告诉你的另一半你想坐下来,谈谈你们的将来- - -你们的目标和怎么共同去实现你们的目标。
We can't just sit quietly and wait for a bus, and that's too bad, because our brains need that down time to rest, to process things.
Sit down with a tape recorder and just talk to her for ten minutes. Then gift wrap it and mail it to her.
They just purchased a latte and a pastry and there is nowhere to sit down in some of these really high-volume stores, "said Starbucks spokesman Alan Hilowitz."
Then I cameto a particularly good writer from the South who had it down perfectly and hesaid: “Well, I usually just go to a barbershop and sit behind a newspaper.
Then I cameto a particularly good writer from the South who had it down perfectly and hesaid: “Well, I usually just go to a barbershop and sit behind a newspaper.