You did not when you saw him, Mr Lockwood: and at the period of which I speak he was just the same as then; only fonder of continued solitude, and perhaps still more laconic in company.
Just as an opera singer can shatter a wine glass by singing the right note, the emitting coil transfers energy only to a receiving coil that resonates at the same frequency.
Just as human meme machines spread over the planet, using up its resources and altering its ecosystems to suit their own needs, so the new teme machines will do the same, only faster.
Just over 10% of 2,900 smokers who received encouraging texts such as "you can do it" had quit after six months, but only 4.9% of a similar number who did not have the same support gave up.
There's a great desire now to stay safe by holding only cash or only Treasury papers. This kind of behavior is really just the same as chasing performance.
Oh, it is 8.3 holiday. Hehe, they are exact same words as 3.8, only the position is just opposite.
Oh, it is 8.3 holiday. Hehe, they are exact same words as 3.8, only the position is just opposite.