Libraries are hubs for information on a staggering amount of fascinating topics — all just waiting to be gathered and Shared with your child.
Sometimes it's too much - I just want to be a normal child with a normal family.
有时候我真受不了- - -我只是想作一个普通家庭里的一个普通的孩子。
They don't need to know if a child is traumatized; they just need to be trauma sensitive.
It doesn't have to be something expensive nor big. It may be just a little toy to your poor neighbor's child.
Third, and most important, it just wouldn't be right if we knew even one person wouldn't listen to the warning, and a child was hurt because of it.
But when a wrong has been committed or a playing field can be leveled, I want my child to be active in helping to level it... not hoarding power over another just to stay on top.
I’m quick to point out that just because a child has leukemia doesn’t mean that they’re not going to sit on the back of Dad’s pickup truck and decide to be Superman and have a head injury from that.
When your child is just learning how to brush, they will need supervision and help, this can be a fun activity to do together, and can even be made into a game.
Just as a child doesn't need to be taught to walk, she said, the girls' natural curiosity has led them to read and write.
Even the busiest parent should try to find time to just be with a school-age or adolescent child.
Don't expect your child to step in. Just remember: Let your child be a child.
Imagine if everyone was able to help just one child who needs to be listened to, needs to be respected, and needs to be loved -we could make such a huge difference for an entire generation.
A new policy needs to be pro-active in increasing the birth rate, not just relaxing the limit to allow couples to have more than one child.
Be finished going to visit kith and kin afterwards , just, only when the child and the aged people get a gift.
I want to hold a child covered with dirt and kiss him on the forehead and tell him I just want to make things alright and I'd always be there whenever he needs me.
When a child learns to walk, she or he just needs parents to be there. Nothing else is necessary.
We can begin by making our theatre a public space to dramatise and share our stories - for a child that never tells stories will just be a human shell.
Try some new things to think that there are not acclimatized, we can not just go back to child-chip may be a good adjustment.
There's just a child that has to be born, the by-product of good nights in milan.
There's just a child that has to be born, the by-product of good nights in Milan .
Every time I saw my object to be served, I could stepped to the small world just me and the child beginning with a thoughtful and groping greeting without instinctive hesitation.
I just gave you a bowl of dumplings, so you prove that you are a know Thanksgiving child. dined pay close attention to your home, to be dark days, my mother would be worried about.
Just leave the child here. This was the best place for her child to live, because there were kind priests and nuns and it would be expanded and developed into a medical care center.
Had someone told me ten years ago, twenty years ago, that I'd be the mother of a child like Charlie, I think I would have just not have known what to think.
Just a few days ago I noted to Jim that having a child who, like Charlie, does not talk much is entirely different from what I would have imagined things to be like.
But remember, just because a child cannot do something now does not mean he will not be able to do it later.
Once, when he was on his way to bring water to his parents, he tumbled. He thought the parents might be worried about him, he just cried on the floor like a child, which made the parents laughed.
Once, when he was on his way to bring water to his parents, he tumbled. He thought the parents might be worried about him, he just cried on the floor like a child, which made the parents laughed.