He's just too cute for words. This little clouded leopard cub was born this week at a National Zoo research center in northern Virginia.
We kids really don't need too many toys. Just add some creativity, even a simple balloon and an egg carton can become a fun train or a cute puppy!
This, usually said with a chuckle and a batting of the eyes, is generally meant to be just silly conversation, but I know too much to consider it to be cute.
J.D. 's note: I just thought this was too cute - and too apt - to pass up.
Monica: So great! He showed me where the restaurant's going to be. It's this, it's this cute little place on 10th Street. Not too big, not too small. Just right.
We kids really don't need too many toys. Just add some creativity, even a simple balloon and an egg carton can become a fun choochoo train or a cute puppy!
We kids really don't need too many toys. Just add some creativity, even a simple balloon and an egg carton can become a fun choochoo train or a cute puppy!