Just try to remember that if they had wanted to kill you, they would have done.
Just try to remember that parents' decisions to split up are to do with issues between them, and not because of something you might have done or not done.
Remember that Aquarius man in love is not overly different than he is as your friend. Do not try to tame him, give him free rein and just follow him.
Sometimes you just have to try something and see how it works, and then make corrections as necessary. But remember the sage advice, when in doubt, leave it out!
Remember that you must consider the usage goals of the patterns you're learning and try not to force patterns into parts of your application just for the sake of using them.
Remember that your answer must fit a short attention span; try to respond only to the question asked, giving your child just the information he asks for and he can handle.
Try not to encourage that or let it happen — remember, it's just a tool that's meant to help you improve the quality of your code.
Remember that Aquarius man in love is not overly different than he is as your friend. Do not try to tame him, give him a free rein and just follow him and you are sure to keep him for a lifetime.
Try to remember that losing weight isn't going to make you a better person - and it won't magically change your life. It's a good idea to maintain a healthy weight because it's just that: healthy.
Remember we don't have printing presses, so you can't just send something off anonymously or pseudonymously to a publisher, and just try to get it published with a printing press.
So remember to trust yourself and not let it get you down. Just do the best you can and try not to worry about things you can't control.
But let's try to remember that the next incredible guy we meet with the really good excuse is just another guy who's hurting our feelings.
The way he described is when you try to get down a quantum dimensions and you are standing there with your camera, just remember the sun is at your back and your shadow is always in the picture.
Remember that others are relaxing on this holiday, so don't try to impose your ambitious plans on them just yet.
I remember when you say: I love you, I just want to try ti be your BF. But.
You might find yourself getting easily stressed out by any difficult situations today. But if you feel your frustration level starting to rise, just remember to try to keep your calm right now.
You could be feeling a little moody or sensitive today, but just remember to try to be as aware of other people's needs as you are of your own.
You could be feeling a little moody or sensitive today, but just remember to try to be as aware of other people's needs as you are of your own.