I'm not waiting for you, just waiting for you.
I refused all ambiguous, just waiting for you for an uncertain future.
I have good one eye closed, just waiting for you to say good night close the other.
Hard to find a home in this price range that is move in ready, just waiting for you.
Wish can make friends with you, and have a good trip in the outside, just waiting for you.
Someone who convnces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.
Someone who convince you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.
We will help you find an unlocked door which just waiting for you to open it when you lost your way.
Someone who makes you believe that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.
Get a sense of all the wonderful possibilities that are just waiting for you as a non-fiction writer.
Don't be shy. Just go over and say hello to her. She is probably just waiting for you to break the ice.
When you lose your way, we convince you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.
We will have the IKEA Recruitment Open Day at the second Wednesday every month. A lot of job opportunities, just waiting for you!
He sure looks like he's listening, but in reality, he's just waiting for you to shut up so he can take control of the conversation, again.
So I was just waiting for you, randomly searching through the thoughts of people on the street — to see if anyone had noticed you so I would know where you were.
One good tip someone gave me is to take old clothes and just throw them away when you move on, instead of washing and waiting for things to dry.
It's impossible that things will line up just the way we want them to and if you sit around waiting for that to happen life is going to simply pass you by.
The world is full of schemers who are just waiting to take you for a ride.
Sure, app updates are usually free (so far), but who wants to go through the hassle of waiting for a "fix" to an app you just purchased?
After the cameras were set, "it's just patience - waiting for the frog to do the right thing for you," he said.
So, instead of wasting time just waiting around for the "right one", use your time as a single to get to know the person that is responsible for making you happy - that's you.
It just shows that, literally, all the information that's being given, all the advice being solicited, and every question being answered is right there waiting for you.
Carry a light paperback around with you. When you find yourself waiting for something, on the train or bus, or just bored, you can get the book out.
Asking someone for something you want can be a scary thing to do, but it's a lot better than waiting for it to just happen.
But don't just sit around waiting for that moment... as you can see from our body clock schedule, there's plenty to occupy you before then.
Are you tired of waiting for hours just to try on a skirt or have a meal?
The choice of whether to reuse or not pay until you need the resources is now yours, but you no longer need to have the spare capacity there, waiting for the "just in case" situation to occur.
您可以选择重用资源,或者直到需要时再购买资源,但是不再需要保留备用容量 “以防万一”。
The choice of whether to reuse or not pay until you need the resources is now yours, but you no longer need to have the spare capacity there, waiting for the "just in case" situation to occur.
您可以选择重用资源,或者直到需要时再购买资源,但是不再需要保留备用容量 “以防万一”。