Just you wait and see how much your diligence to the cause will be rewarded from a place in your soul that shall CONFIRM that the path you have been following was that which you KNEW to be of TRUTH.
You know, my inspiration is that I wait and see what the pumpkin has to offer, and I just sort of bring it out.
You don't just get to show up at the site, wait in line for a couple of hours and then waltz in to see Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson.
We can't wait to see his take on Jerry Dandrige, aka the guy who will charm away your girlfriend and probably murder you (and her) just for the heck of it.
我们迫不及待地要看他扮演Jerry Dandrige,这个老兄也被称为将治愈你的女友并且很可能会把你(或她)谋杀掉的人,(他做的这一切)却只是纯粹闹着玩的。
And just wait until you see version 6.0 of WebSphere Studio, where we'll really improve on startup performance!
He 'ii come out with surprises. You just wait and see. Look at that woman, with the white chiffon!
Just like if you wait and see a tree growing in your backyard everyday, it will naturally takes root in your heart.
Just wait, captain sparrow. you give it one hour, maybe two, keep a weather eye open and you 'll see white sails on that horizon.
Let me see…you're seeing Jack, are you? What do you see in him? I don't see it good to be his girlfriend, I've seen through his superficial charm. You think I'm making nonsense, Ok. Just wait and see…
Contact you more long, like your degree eath, wish I could have a pair of wings, across the Pacific Ocean to see see you figure, even if it's just far wait-and-see.
All you do is upload a picture of the items you don't want, write a few words about it, leave your contact information and then, just wait and see what happens, " says Li."
All you do is upload a picture of the items you don't want, write a few words about it, leave your contact information and then, just wait and see what happens, " says Li."