First, the utility-based approach stresses mutual benefit or reciprocity and sees international justice located solely in the regulation of relationships between states.
The function of the pretrial procedure lies in procedure justice guarantee and procedure benefit enhancing mainly.
In order to make the aim come true, we have try to maximize material justice and the benefit.
Of course justice is abundant of contents, in which the economic attribute, the fonnal attribute, and the balance of benefit are keys of the economic justice.
经济公平是公平概念在经济领域的体现。 公平的内涵非常丰富,其经济属性、形式属性、以及作为公平中心的利益平衡是认识经济公平的关键。
Procedural justice and procedural benefit are basic points of theory in studying the interactive question on administrative litigation and civil action from jurisdiction system.
With tactful technique and rich experience in PRC's justice practice, Yuanye's lawyers guarantee a swift and effective maintenance for the benefit of our clients.
That analyzing is of benefit to directly solve various problems in the course of realizing social justice, and can promote people valuing the realizing of various elements of social justice.
At the same time, Also advocated justice for the benefit of the constraints, Pilot, in order to take advantage of justice, Krishna righteousness.
Shelley praised Apollo, who was in charge of justice and light, and demonstrated his pursuit in life, hoping that he would bring benefit to mankind just like Prince Athanase.
In the paper, the author analyses the val ue of death penalty which lies in justice, benefit and humanity and concludes th at death penalty should be restricted and gradually abolished.
In the paper, the author analyses the val ue of death penalty which lies in justice, benefit and humanity and concludes th at death penalty should be restricted and gradually abolished.