Holy Hill is an important part of ethnobotany culture for Guangxi Karst Region.
Dwarf elephant grass pasture mixed with creeping legume successfully in karst region.
A practice of a group of highrise buildings with raft foundation in karst region was introduced.
The achieved results show that it is available for considering the proposed methods in karst region.
The major factors affecting the stability of cave roof under pile in karst region are deeply analyzed.
Cave, soil cave and the collapse caused by them have been paid more and more attention in Karst region.
It is proved that the soil loss in karst region is of very complex relation with non-linear characteristics.
Karst region in southwest of China is located in the sub tropic with good combination of water and temperature.
The technique of comprehensive grouting and its use in construction of complex foundation in the karst region are dwelled on.
The central south karst region of Shandong Province is one of the typical areas in the Northern China temperate semi arid karst area.
The ancient collapse is a familiar ill geologic phenomenon in karst region, usually it is unsuitable for direct ground bearing stratum.
Research methods: Based on the elastic and plastic theory, the stress distribution of soil cave in foundation can be deduced in karst region.
Their damage for water conservancy engineering became as one of most important problem of environment geotechnical engineering in Karst region.
Karst distributes widely in our country, it plays a vital influence on the security and stability of the building foundation in the Karst region.
Rocky desertification in the karst region is related to stratum and lithology, incising of river, soil erosion, gradient and human activities, etc.
Because of thin solum and lower soil loss tolerance, the ecosystem in Karst region is very fragile. The vegetation is difficult to recover after destruction.
The soil saturated hydraulic conductivity in different vegetation degeneration type and its influential factors in southwest karst region of China were studied.
The combined application of drilling and electromagnetic wave CT method may eliminate the probability of potential disaster during engineering survey in Karst region.
With Guizhou karst areas as an example, this paper discusses the main principles and quantifies the index for division of eco-environmental fragility types in karst region.
The mechanism of soil and water loss underground in karst region involves many fields and has internal relevance with the mechanism of rock-soil-water-organism underground.
The karst region is very fragile eco-environment with slow soil formation process, shallow and discontinuous soil, small water holding capacity, and low vegetation coverage.
The karst region in Guizhou is affected by human's activities. Especially in different areas, a series of problems arise, due to the irrational exploitation of soil resources.
The adaptability of the bored pile and excavated pile construction technique in the complicated karst geology region is bad, but that of jetting bore pile is good in karst region.
As a result, how to rehabilitate vegetation and use soil and water resources harmoniously is the key to control environment and eliminate poverty in Karst Region of Southwest China.
Southwest China is the region where the largest area of the Karst physiognomy is found.
In eastern region, in terms of sedimentary microfacies and diagenetic conditions, or in karst topography are in disadvantageous position, potential for development is small.
The water yield property of karst groundwater in Litang region of Guangxi Province was evaluated quantitatively, combined spatial analysis of GIS, geostatistics method and nonlinear model.
The site, located in the Kras region (literally meaning karst), is one of the most famous in the world for the study of karstic phenomena.
The site, located in the Kras region (literally meaning karst), is one of the most famous in the world for the study of karstic phenomena.