It was obvious Hill had come over to keep tabs on Johnson and make sure he didn't do anything drastic.
The alternative used here is to keep all the tabs on one row, but provide arrow buttons to scroll along the row.
This service lets you keep tabs on your friends not only on the Web, but also on your cell phone or in your Instant Messenger.
Similarly, users can update their status or keep tabs on their friends’ activities on any social network right on their main browser window.
Similarly, users can update their status or keep tabs on their friends' activities on any social network right on their main browser window.
You should also keep tabs on any message boards and blogs you can find that focus on your area (or similar areas).
Or the finding may be due to the study design; parents answered surveys for their children, and the parents of sick children may keep closer tabs on what their children ate.
Private deals are harder for regulators and ordinary investors to keep tabs on.
When you opened many tabs, Firefox will not keep on reducing the tabwidth.
This is broadly the strategy that it USES to keep tabs on the hedge-fund industry.
In time, the San Diego team hopes to be able to use the glow system as way to keep tabs on shellfish in the wild and to examine mussels and oysters sold for eating.
We can only acknowledge that people are discussing the issues online -- and promise to keep tabs on them.
Individuals and companies are increasingly trying to keep tabs on what is being said about them on the Web, and in the best cases, engage with these conversations in a productive and meaningful way.
But when you become aware of how many such reminders you have to keep tabs on, it can easily seem a daunting organizational task.
Write down your worries in a journal on a weekly basis. Try to keep tabs of how much time you spend being anxious, too.
In the wild, elephants often need to communicate over long distances, using low frequency calls to keep tabs on other members of their group.
But inspectors lack the authority and the resources to keep close tabs and impose harsh punitive measures on any factories that break the rules.
"I wouldn't say it's assistance, I think they are just trying to keep track and keep tabs on my case," Mr McKay said.
At the same time, however, financial regulators have been looking for ways to keep tabs on the fast-growing hedge-fund industry.
Who's going to keep tabs on a blog that is updated once a month?
The grunt work of supervision depends on more junior staff, who will always struggle to keep tabs on smarter, better-paid types in the firms they regulate.
Also keep tabs on the interest rates for your CARDS.
In the general scheme of life, parents are the ones who keep tabs on the children.
Tom, I'm going to keep closer tabs on you.
Tesco is not the only retailer using technology to keep tabs on people in its stores.
It's easy to fall into the trap of Facebook or other sites if you keep it open on one of your browser tabs all day.
It means they can keep tabs on subscribers.
My boyfriend claims that they spend so much time with her to keep tabs on her parenting, however I see it as letting her take advantage of their kindness.
My boyfriend claims that they spend so much time with her to keep tabs on her parenting, however I see it as letting her take advantage of their kindness.