Some use them to keep a close watch on the demand for their line of work or gather information on compensation to arm themselves when negotiating for a raise.
In particular, smartphones and the applications that run on them generally keep a close watch on what users do.
I had to keep a close watch on the gas tank because there were no gas stations anywhere except at the village where I had rented the motorcycle.
I keep a close watch on the timing to ensure I'm on time. 5 minutes before it's up, I do a wrap up and start transiting to the next task on the list.
On his watch financial markets nearly imploded and needed close to a trillion dollars to keep Fannie and Freddie in business along with overleveraged brokerage houses and banks belching black blood.
在他的任内,金融市场几乎崩溃。 他需要接近一万亿的美元来维持房利美房地美的正常运行。而房利美房地美由于过分使用杠杆,导致经纪人手头积压了房产和银行的不良贷款。
When we barbecue, we are often entertaining family or friends. This distraction can lead to a fire hazard if you do not keep close watch on the barbecue as the fire burns.
When we barbecue, we are often entertaining family or friends. This distraction can lead to a fire hazard if you do not keep close watch on the barbecue as the fire burns.