If one wants to keep ahead of your rivals, you'll have to work very hard.
And so, if the railroad reached round the world, I think that I should keep ahead of you;
And now , we keep ahead of craft brother in the range of techinic, management, production, and sales service system.
They take classes for work, attend conferences, andtackle the latest technology, trying to keep ahead of the competition.
Against this background a problem for every factory of gymnastic products to ponder is how to keep ahead of so many gymnastic brands.
Quite frankly, it's just not enough anymore. We need to be more aggressive in order to keep ahead of our competitors. This is 21st century.
We make development of the product design and emphasis on quality. The use performance is our advantage, we always keep ahead of LED industry.
Still, if public-health officials are to keep ahead of the millions of bacteria and viruses that can potentially make us sick, they're going to need all the help they can get.
In good times he does this to increase his profits further, in normal times he does it to keep ahead of his competitors, in bad times he may have to do it to survive at all.
Hardware failures demand repair or replacement; software requires patching, updates, and upgrades; and systems must be configured to keep ahead of demand and potential security threats.
Coordinate schedules. If you go with a friend, plan schedules ahead of time so there won't be conflicts that keep one of you from going.
"I'll try to keep one pace ahead of all my critics," he quips confidently.
They also help organizations to learn and adapt so they can keep up with - and stay ahead of - change.
Keep these tips on language and country in mind as you execute your global search marketing campaigns — you'll stay ahead of your competition.
Of those that press ahead, the worry is that not all will be looking merely for alternative ways to keep the lights on.
Most people buy a new mobile device every two years - a cycle which allows manufacturers to keep up with security design - and potentially stay ahead of hackers.
By setting a goal for yourself ahead of time you've ensured that you don't wander through your life just trying to keep up.
And you might have kind of been projecting ahead and thinking if we keep up at this pace, pretty much we would only get to carbon by the end of the semester.
As long as you keep in mind that your markup only provides an organization, or framework, for your page, you're ahead of the game.
Note: keep in mind, Shawn was so far ahead of Walt, he was able to fall, get up and get in the car before Walt had even cleared the gate area.
Clients like to know ahead of time that a blogger will be able to keep up with the schedule, as well as consistently come up with new ideas for topics.
Offering the "build" components of this complete solution, IBM Rational delivers the essential tools, services, and experience to keep businesses ahead of the compliance curve.
Pitchford points out several form faults: "You want to keep your back straight and not allow the knee to drift forward ahead of the stance leg.
Pitchford指出许多种错误动作: “你应该保持背部挺直,膝盖不应该向前超过支撑腿。
The company spends billions of dollars a year to keep its chip manufacturing plants ahead of rivals and has long demonstrated a penchant for making fast, big chips.
In the real world I would keep my eyes straight ahead and focus on the distant horizon. In the web 2.0 world, however, I can let my eyes wander and - best of all - click on somebody.
Perl 6 Essentials is a look ahead to the new Perl 6, and the authors promise yearly revisions to keep up with the rapid pace of Perl 6 development.
Perl6Essentials是对新的Perl 6的未来预测,并且,为了跟上perl开发的步伐,作者保证每年都会进行修订。
Create an editorial calendar to keep you ahead of the game, instead of rushing to identify and produce content under looming deadlines.
Create an editorial calendar to keep you ahead of the game, instead of rushing to identify and produce content under looming deadlines.