He is one of the main figures for Milan, so we need to keep an eye on him - but not only him.
Master Tholme accompanied Vos, to keep an eye on him and judge his performance and rehabilitation.
There are times when a player must ask for help from a team-mate and say: "You keep an eye on him, I've got to push forward."
Walton should continue to improve as his ankle heals and he adjusts to his new role, so keep an eye on him over the next few weeks.
Rather than become a housewife, Li will continue working at her husband’s company, where she can earn a decentsalary, and more importantly, she says, keep an eye on him.
Rather than become a housewife, Li will continue working at her husband's company, where she can earn a decent salary, and more importantly, she says, keep an eye on him.
My 15-year-old son, "Denny," has always been a handful. I am a single mother and try to keep an eye on him. I don't allow Denny to go to a friend's house unless there is a parent home.
If your broker does not accept OCO orders, give him your stop and keep an eye on your profit target.
If your broker does not accept OCO orders, give him your stop and keep an eye on your profit target.