There's just one thing you should try to keep at least some time for, in addition to your writing—and that's reading.
Gather firm names and look for firms that are hiring at Coroflot! Keep at it!
I guess, "Ace admitted." But I wanted to keep at it, for the family 's sake.
Above all, remember that consistency is key - if you keep at it, your hard work will pay off.
How is it that the successful motivate themselves to keep at it when others fall by the wayside?
The value of this parameter specifies the maximum number of idle agents to keep at any time.
More... the high fliers with the ultimate status symbol - wives they can afford to keep at home.
此外,有身份的象征是什么呢? - - -他们可以让妻子在家做家庭主妇。
That said, if you've been writing UI-based use cases and have been able to deliver on that method, keep at it.
也就是说,如果您已经在编写基于UI 的用例并能够以这种方法提供的话,那就坚持下去。
The Tories will keep at least part of the current system of tax credits for research and development (R&D).
Even if it seems scary or unusual or hard, I'm going to do it, and I'm going to keep at it until I bear fruit.
This is a process you are going to have to discover on your own, if you keep at it you will develop a knack for it.
It is now known that chimps lack immunity to some human diseases, so Gombe researchers must keep at least 25 feet away.
On the other hand, if it gives you pleasure to watch your debt shrink and motivates you to keep at it, then make it manual.
Remember to keep at least one storage area in an Open state so that it can be used as the current active storage area for new documents.
To save space, I'll simplify the demonstration election that the OVC has used, but keep at least one example of each contest type. First, the ballot file.
If you keep at it, then you should be able to make your development artifacts easier to maintain, and your development process less stressful to carry out.
Israel announced a unilateral ceasefire late on Saturday. It said it would keep at least some troops in Gaza while arrangements are made to prevent Hamas from re-arming.
If you're looking for a rule of thumb, here's one that seems to work well: for most games, each single front-end server can keep at least four game-engine servers busy.
And think of the amount this individual produces as depending on effort, which in turn depends on how much of his or her income the individual gets to keep at the margin, i.e.
再设想该个体的生产总量视同于其所付出的劳力,这一劳力转而又由其收入的多少决定,该收入为其所能留存的剩余量,即,1 - t。
Once you get used to the process, increase the frequency and/or duration, but it’s more important that you keep at it over time than it is that you’re consistent in intensity over time.
As you keep at building your self confidence, you will begin to build more and more trust in yourself. From negativity and doubt, you will begin to experience a new sense of empowerment.
Once it had been decided to keep at least one of the two new aircraft-carriers under construction, the idea that Britain should give up flying jets from them for a decade made little sense.
The default value of the Minimum connections property is 1, which means that the connection Manager will always try to keep at least one connection in the free pool, for performance reasons.
Miss Macdonald, 58, claimed the actress must "eat like a horse" to keep herself at a healthy weight.
Monstrously inflated costs are designed to keep the hoi polloi at bay.
Social services keep lists of at-risk children.
He knew his own mind and was having none of their attempts to keep him at home.
Presumably, you keep your doors locked at night and while you're away.
Of course, you are still encouraged to keep the talking at library tones and, whatever you do, keep the information you share simple, like a grocery list.
However, as good as these services are, there are simple steps we can take to keep them at bay.