The system's imprecision obliges controllers to keep more distance between air traffic, reducing the number of planes that can fly in the available space.
The system’s imprecision obliges controllers to keep more distance between air traffic, reducing the number of planes that can fly in the available space.
This function does a good bit of position-munging, but it all boils down to a simple idea: Keep constant the precise distance between the mouse cursor and the target object.
该函数做很多位置整理(position -munging)工作,但都可归结为一个简单的思想:不断保存鼠标光标与目标对象之间的精确的距离。
Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before. But keep a distance of about a thousand yards between you and the ark; do not go near it.
Also, when hiking a wooded route with others, keep a safe distance between you and the person ahead to avoid rebounding branches.
Keep the distance between the fairy and the wand constantly changing.
It seems that telephone shortens the distance between people, and people can keep in contact with each other by it.
The distance between people, to keep good, too close to the tie, too far from the wounding.
To solve this problem, they made the distance between the drone base and its paper tabletop greater so it could keep flying.
One study found that oxytocin led men in monogamous relationships to keep a greater distance between themselves and an attractive woman during an initial encounter.
Our experimental results show our method can effectively perform incremental data indexing, and can keep well the distance information between data objects.
Between men and women, to keep a certain distance. This distance, not isolation, but not in the action, emotion, and communication, not too close or easy for love, hate.
Truth be told, with such a long distance between us, it is already hard to keep our friendship, so not even need to mention being a couple that is like Arabian Nights.
This is a dependency node designed to take two transforms and keep a fixed distance between them.
Our ideal is to keep a certain distance between the real world and the imaginary world, I think it's a very valuable thing to do.
Newton proved his idea by measuring how much gravity force would be needed to keep the moon orbiting the Earth. Then he measured the mass of the Earth and the moon, and the distance between them.
It seems that telephone shortens the distance between people and men can keep in touch With each other more easily.
The theorists call them the "Cenozoic era" , who keep "a smiling distance" between the vanguard and the tradition.
This invention relates to a fan cover mounting structure of the air regulator, which can keep a certain distance between the soleplate and the fan cover.
Only you must keep a certain distance between you and the ark. You must not come near it.
Keep a good distance between your skis, so you have room enough to work with both skis, and move your body up-and-down in a rhythmic motion.
Keep more distance between people, and avoid crowded piles and body contact to prevent conduction of thunder and lightning from expanding the scope of disasters.
Laval and Leclercq suggest the driver behavior problems could be addressed by an increasing use of adaptive cruise control (ACC) that can keep the gap between cars at a set distance.
If the distance apart to keep each other too long, that there was a barrier between us will?
Our autofocus feature can keep constant distance between the laser and plate in real time mode.
Good and evil, to keep a certain distance between the wicked are always playing good because the idea.
Good and evil, to keep a certain distance between the wicked are always playing good because the idea.