Someone might think that with a history like that I would keep my weight and smoking habits in check.
In a world that's obsessed with status updates, where software and other individuals are constantly asking us what we're thinking, it's incredibly nice to have someone who knows when to keep quiet.
If someone always have question about you, you will feel hard to keep in touch with him, you may feel it hard to make friends with them.
As far as I am concerned, try to share your feeling with someone who you really trust is better that keep it in your heart.
It is well worth of falling love in someone, even can keep up with the unavoidable damage.
I would much rather see Gallas in the middle - we need someone who can keep up with Eto 'o - he is pretty damn quick.
If you're RTing (retweeting) someone with comment, it's OK to shorten up their original tweet in order to keep it under 140.
Do not lightly express and easily believe the love, and if you have falled in love with someone, the do not let it go bad, it will smells. so, keep your love fresh …
Do not lightly express and easily believe the love, and if you have falled in love with someone, the do not let it go bad, it will smells. so, keep your love fresh …