If he doesn't agree, just keep on at him until he does.
At the same time, they must spend enough time on separate interests with separate people to preserve and develop their separate personalities and keep their relationship fresh.
In an effort to spread awareness to teens across the nation, the Allstate Foundation sponsored a Keep The Drive Summit at Sunset Station on January 23rd.
We're obligated to keep a pulse on the population for at least five years after the foxes are delisted.
They believe that the best we can do is keep it at a reasonable level, and at present the only serious option for doing this is cutting back on our carbon emissions.
When dinning, keep your eyes on your date at all times and try to smile between mouthfuls.
It is a job that required attention and caution, but he cannot keep his attention on the machines, because he has problems at home.
One way we keep track of the radiation budget is by looking at the albedo of the different surfaces on the planet.
Keep on dancing, and you'll be better at it.
To keep safe in terms of an earthquake, you should remain at a spot in your room where nothing may fall on you.
He didn't come at all. It was silly of us to keep on waiting for him.
If you usually keep to yourself at work, and only talk to people on break, try spending time with your coworkers a little more during the workday.
Arthur works with machines in a factory. It is a job that required attention and caution, but he cannot keep his attention on the machines, because he has problems at home.
I just tried to keep focused on the job at hand and the impact of my work on ordinary people.
Because they keep swapping pairs, everyone on the team learns who’s the most expert at particular things.
However, the sensitivity of the currency issue will probably keep APEC leaders from focusing on it too much at their Singapore summit.
You may not succeed at the first attempts, but if you keep on performing these Suggestions earnestly, you will gradually begin to experience peace of mind.
We bet they keep on working even at night during the sleep – and at this time their vigorous imagination and restless mind picture unbelievable and grotesque buildings in front of their closed eyes.
But staying in Arkansas also had another big benefit: it helped our young staff keep focused on the work at hand.
What are your big goals at the moment? How can you keep up your motivation on them?
For that reason, the Fed is widely expected to keep interest rates on hold, at 2%, for a second successive meeting.
Israel announced a unilateral ceasefire late on Saturday. It said it would keep at least some troops in Gaza while arrangements are made to prevent Hamas from re-arming.
That said, if you've been writing UI-based use cases and have been able to deliver on that method, keep at it.
也就是说,如果您已经在编写基于UI 的用例并能够以这种方法提供的话,那就坚持下去。
That is because you can keep it at a safe distance when it hangs on the wall, but you can't escape it when it crawls into your ears.
The mere threat of a buy-out also helps keep managers at all listed firms on their toes.
Let's take a look at five technologies that e-reader makers are betting on to keep their products relevant.
The Fed also made clear on Tuesday that it intends to keep the funds rate at extremely low levels.
This constant momentum allows them to keep on reframing the tasks or design problems at hand.
After cooking meat and poultry on the grill, keep it hot until served -- at 140 F or warmer.
After cooking meat and poultry on the grill, keep it hot until served -- at 140 F or warmer.