The Sunny Sports has brought an exciting change to us. Let's keep on doing it.
It is common sense, and we know it's killing our planet, but we just keep on doing it.
The secret of greatness is simple: do better work than other men in you field and keep on doing it.
To do physical exercises an hour a day will make us happy a whole life, so I will keep on doing it.
The secret of greatness is simple: do better work than other men in your field and keep on doing it!
Do the thing you fear to do and keep on doing it, that is the best way to conquer fear. Dale Carnegie.
做你恐惧的事,并且不断地去做。这是克服恐惧的最好办法- - - - -戴尔·卡内基。
The secret of greatness is simple: do better work than other people in your field-and keep on doing it.
You keep on doing it a few times but then you say, " "Fine. It doesn't work," but what if it gave you money one out of every hundred times?
Okay we have a correlation and we done our very best when to struck matches without pineapples falling but we keep on doing it, we can't break the correlation in anyways.
Suppose you want to train somebody to do something and you want the training such that they'll keep on doing it even if you're not training them anymore, which is typically what you want.
They believe that the best we can do is keep it at a reasonable level, and at present the only serious option for doing this is cutting back on our carbon emissions.
Keep on rocking with whatever it is that you're doing. Keep the passion and the optimism alive.
An obvious compromise would be to keep the cap on, but allow some of the oil in the well to flow out into the containment systems as it was doing beforehand.
I agree that it's important to keep busy because doing nothing makes it too easy to focus on the fatigue, and that only makes it worse.
So you've just got to keep going on going, even when folks are criticizing you, when you know you're doing it for other people.
It was so unbelievable that I guess you just had to rely on what you normally do, and just keep doing your job.
We know he is the type of player that can win a game just like that but we can't expect him to keep doing it on his own.
That's what we want to keep doing — it doesn't matter if we lost the Derby on Saturday.
Sometimes it helps to remind yourself to just keep on doing the best you can for now.
So, if you still want to keep on doing your treadmills/bikes and cardio burn classes without weight training, and continue your impossible mission for a lean and toned physique, go for it!
(皮包骨就是没有肌肉,到处都是脂肪和骨头),也因此,如果你还想继续骑脚踏车和上燃脂课程却又不进行体能训练的话,那么就别想要一个苗条而又健康的身体了。 这样,你还想继续下去吗?
Persistence on the Web has always been tricky, because it is the browser's responsibility to keep the code running in Web pages from doing anything untoward to your hard disk.
Web上的持久性一直都比较复杂,因为要由浏览器负责防止 Web页面中运行的代码做出任何损害硬盘的事情。
In the meantime, commit to keeping tabs on your relationship and doing what it takes to keep it working for you.
It will be low because it will be necessary to have only one man looking after each job, without having another man to check upon what he is doing, keep him in line, and report on him to someone else.
Arrange your life orderly , make sure what is most important in your life, write it down on paper and keep it in mind, insist on doing this everyday.
Learn to Cook healthy: If you are not a master chef, then it may be worth doing some online research or getting a good book or two to keep you current on healthy recipes.
Ya know, they keep trying to blame it on the sun is doing this, the sun is doing that.
Ya know, they keep trying to blame it on the sun is doing this, the sun is doing that.