You can get out of debt and you can speed up your financial goals. Just be realistic, take control and keep everything in perspective.
What’s more, these strategies will keep you out of debt and help you lead a better life!
“To keep your head above water” is a colorful expression that means staying out of debt.
Tokeepyourheadabove water(避免破产; 保住自己)是一种饶有趣味的表达方法,意思是stayingout of debt(力求免于欠债)。
This may seem obvious, but if your debt is out of control, it's because you keep adding to it.
Old rules of thumb which said that countries should keep enough reserves to cover only short-term foreign debt now look hopelessly out of date.
That would not sort out Greece's finances-it might reduce the net present value of Greek debt by up to 20-25%-but it would keep the country away from the markets for a while.
That would not sort out Greece's finances-it might reduce the net present value of Greek debt by up to 20-25%-but it would keep the country away from the markets for a while.