You make and keep promises. You show up. You do what you tell yourself you're going to do.
You have to take care of the kids, stay on top of everyone's schedules, and keep promises you made to relatives.
He's a men, but also a boy, thus, of course, he is as curious as a child, he can't resist the temptation and keep promises.
By contrast, if you make and keep promises, it is quite possible that your satisfied client will sing your praises and recommend you to others.
For example, opponents often charge that classical utilitarians cannot explain our obligations to keep promises and not to lie when no pain is caused or pleasure is lost.
Illyqueen, a popular Taiwanese blogger, recently ranted about “Mama's boys” in their 30s who have had “no hardships, no housework, [and who] …have lost the ability to keep promises (like marriage).
Illyqueen, a popular Taiwanese blogger, recently ranted about “Mama’s boys” in their 30s who have had “no hardships, no housework, [and who] …have lost the ability to keep promises (like marriage).”
Voters can be remarkably forgiving of presidents who fail to keep their campaign promises.
They have signally failed to keep their election promises.
Many traditional stories tell us to be honest and keep our promises.
If the sparks aren't there, end your meeting graciously, without making any promises you don't intend to keep, and wish them the best.
Keep their promises. People who are faithful in the small, (seemingly) insignificant things are generally faithful in the big, important things, too. You want people who hold to their commitments.
And destiny, while marching ever in our direction, can be rerouted by the choices we make, by the love we hold onto and the promises we keep.
Each Republican in the region promises to trim spending and keep taxes low.
They keep mentioning promises with the Korean people and viewers, but it just makes me sick.
Can you be counted on by others? Are there promises you need to keep, vows you need to fulfill, or commitments you need to honor?
If we do not maintain the current momentum for better health, stay the course, keep our promises, and stick to our goals, a bad situation is certain to get worse.
Therefore it's best to be cautious as some suppliers of solutions make a lot of promises that they cannot keep.
To honor their contributions to our nation, let us strive with renewed determination to keep the promises we have made to all who have answered our country's call.
Are there promises you need to keep, vows you need to fulfill, or commitments you need to honor?
Avoid making promises you can't keep, but if you have already done so, negotiate a new, more realistic agreement.
As donors in a difficult budget environment, we have striven to keep our promises and we are calling on our international partners to do the same.
However, if you keep your promises and if you are fair in your dealings with all of your employees, you can establish trust with even the most negative worker.
In contrast to a loan or bond, a share certificate contains no promises that its issuer may fail to keep.
Meanwhile, the restless modernisers who convinced Mr Fukuda to be bold will want to keep him to his promises.
Yet voters have grown wary of promises, partly because Mr Sarkozy makes more than he can keep.
In response, firms will need to be even more transparent in their dealings with customers, who will punish them severely if they fail to keep their promises.
When it comes to jobs and industry, the French seem to doubt his ability to keep his promises.
Even so, the Banks insisted that they would still make decisions "on commercial terms", despite making promises to keep lending to small businesses and homeowners.
Even so, the Banks insisted that they would still make decisions "on commercial terms", despite making promises to keep lending to small businesses and homeowners.