The bridge is sometimes crowded with many visitors, so policemen are there to keep things in order.
However, when early humans first began to reflect on the nature of things around them, they discovered that they needed an idea of number simply to keep their thoughts in order.
Try putting things in your office or home in order, and keep it tidy and clean.
All those things we normally ignore but in order to make a believable and interesting painting we do need to keep those things in mind.
To keep this all straight, the p element has three object children in the order that those things appeared in the HTML in Listing 1.
She gets easily bored, finds it hard to remember things, is frequently distracted and needs to write copious lists in order to keep her life organised.
You are dependent on the landlord to maintain the home and keep things in working order.
Many of us try to increase the speed at which we do things in order to keep up with the pace, which Bregman explains is a mistake.
Even though, modern people seldom do these things in time order as ancient people did, they still keep the custom of pasting the couplets.
There are a few things that you can do to keep your garden tools in good working order.
Organize your living space - your desk, office, room, backpack, briefcase, kitchen, bathroom, closet, etc. Keeping things in order helps keep your life in order.
In some cases there might be good arguments for changing certain style rules, but we nonetheless keep things as they are in order to preserve consistency.
Now I know that in order to grow and flourish I must spare no efforts in doing things and keep a little in advance of The Times.
It is also very time consuming with all the updating and other things that need to be done in order to keep the flagship going.
Ten years ago I still feared loss enough to abandon myself in order to keep things stable.
But what you want to do is to keep winning things in order to keep your best players.
But what you want to do is to keep winning things in order to keep your best players.