We claim that the rich have the right to keep their money — which misses the point that all of us live in and benefit from being part of a larger society.
Instead of risking a killer shot on every point, why not keep the ball in play and give the other guy a chance to lose?
More to the point, it'll keep more than half a ton of climate-changing carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere every year.
This is a bad practice in portlet development, but has been done here to keep the example simple and focused on the point of offline techniques only.
对于 portlet开发来说这是个下策,但这里我们采用了这个做法,以使得示例简单,且这个做法专注于脱机技术这一点。
At this point, you can deselect resources if you want to keep them out of the repository.
The key point to keep in mind here, however, is that these projects are real, not hypothetical exercises.
By the third trimester of my first pregnancy my goal was to keep my weight gain equal to my week which would have made me 27 pounds heavier at this point.
On the other side, we have the claim that the rich have the right to keep their money - which misses the point that all of us live in and benefit from being part of a larger society.
As long as you keep your tests and code synchronized (and that's the whole point of the practice), if a programmer wants to know what the system does, he or she can look at the tests.
More to the point think of your eyebrows designed to keep dust and rain out of your eyes but very useful in sending signals to other people.
DB2 provides a mechanism to automatically schedule backups and to keep transaction logs that can be used to restore to the exact point of the crash.
DB 2提供了一种自动调度备份任务的机制,还可以保存事务日志,可以使用事务日志将数据库恢复到发生崩溃的时间点。
My personal opinion is that requirements should be numbered, brief, and to the point so busy developers can easily keep track of them.
When you are speed reading, the main point is to keep moving forward and not stop to reread something.
The most important point to keep in mind is this: Use the diagram to communicate model contents to viewers.
In Germany senior figures point to the barriers, such as patchy child care, that keep too many women out of the workforce.
I think it's best for fans of the series to keep that point in mind.
At that point, I made the decision to enter the corporate world anyway for growth purposes, but promised myself to keep in mind my passion and pursue it full-time one day.
My advice to them at this point is to keep up the good work and then pray to the Mongolian Weather Gods to send cold fronts. That's their best hope for clean air.
FromLogin/SignUp forms, to contact forms and other types of forms, we need to keep in mind that the point of those forms is to get the user’s attention and make them want to fill in the info.
By having a microwave oven available, restaurants and vending companies could now keep products refrigerator-fresh up to the point of service, then heat to order.
One subtle point to keep in mind: Long-running asynchronous processes that use dynamic assembly will keep a context in the context cache for as long as the process takes to complete.
Keep Match Fit – Exercise your writing muscles, the more your practice the more you improve. Comments should be short, fast, to the point and make an impact.
The important point is to keep test assets in a separate folder or folders and not in the project root for smooth operation.
I am not here to endorse candidate Rick Perry, but the point of his charge is obviously true: each generation can't keep taking more out of the system than it put in, once the demographics change.
Sentences: Use the active voice when writing sentences. Keep sentences short and to the point.
Sentences: Use the active voice when writing sentences. Keep sentences short and to the point.