We really WANT to congratulate the Science Arena 26 winners! Good job! Keep up the good work!
Yes China you did it again! 2016 Outstanding Transit System of the Year. Keep Up The Good Work.
真棒,中国你再次做到了! 在2016年里优秀的运输系统。做得好,请保持!
You really have a great program, its helping me lot to surf. Keep up the good work. Thanks again!
Either keep up the good work or you better change your strategy because you are not mastering the material.
Even wheneveryone else is tired out and ready to give up, Leo Ascendant is still readyto inspire everyone to keep up the good work.
Though suddenly it's cold, wishing you all happy Christmas & 2009! Please keep up the good work for us, I always appreciate your work.
Informative, interesting articles, a wide readership and a responsive team have made SAILINGS an excellent magazine! Keep up the good work.
With so much ground still to make up, team principal Stefano Domenicali was just as keen as Montezemolo for Ferrari to keep up the good work.
The spec i've seen up until now makes it a good candidate to any other smartphone on the market right now. Keep up the good work with this wonderful rom.
My advice to them at this point is to keep up the good work and then pray to the Mongolian Weather Gods to send cold fronts. That's their best hope for clean air.
Oh, he said the usual things like "Keep up the good work" and "Thanks for your hard work," but he also said that he's thinking about bringing some employees into my department.
As long as the so-called outcasts can keep up in their academic work in a decent way, we actually accept their decision to do whatever they think might be good for the future.
This way I can achieve a good quality in for work, and keep the creativity energy till the final touch up.
If you're a module or theme developer it's a good idea to keep an eye on the appropriate page so that you can keep your work up to date.
He stressed that Rotary must keep strengthening existing Rotary club programs and projects. "The daily work of making a Rotary club good, inviting, and useful is up to every one of you, " he said.
扶轮社的计划可以邀请家庭成员参与, 扶轮社也可以举办所有人都负担得起且喜欢参加的活动, 」白义德说。
Under my essay, the teacher wrote, 'Good work! Keep it up!' (Continue making an effort.)
Under my essay, the teacher wrote, 'Good work! Keep it up!' (Continue making an effort.)