A restaurant has to tread the tricky path between maintaining quality and keeping prices down.
High quality customer service is preached by many, but actually keeping customers happy is easier said than done.
Keeping RUP central to the software development process allows you to continuously focus on achieving quality and business performance throughout the life cycle.
He or she should be constantly on the lookout for opportunities to streamline process without sacrificing quality — and that includes keeping project work products to a minimum.
By keeping the traditional community structures, TESFA enables them to run tourism hosting facilities to improve their quality of life and environment.
Proponents might also argue that maintaining revenues is critical to keeping quality high.
The quality of the author's product is to a high degree based on whether he succeeds in keeping the details of the story consistent with the architecture.
We are keeping the numbers down to ensure that the highest quality training & individual attention is provided – only 20 places are available.
In a recent study for the Archives of Internal Medicine, scientists followed 153 men and women for two weeks, keeping track of their quality and duration of sleep.
This entails looking at regulation, taxes and quality-of-life infrastructure with an eye towards keeping the most talented people.
When it comes to keeping busy in retirement, the real measure of success is the quality of life we experience.
You must employ measurements, benchmarking, and re-measurements to help ensure that your software demands are keeping pace with your quality needs.
This is critical to keeping the technical debt under control and producing high-quality software that is potentially deployable.
By converting your photos or video to video montage and keeping it in a DVD, you can prolong the quality.
Keeping away exam cheating in college students has the vital theoretical and practical significance for strengthening construction of style of study and improvement of educational quality.
Under the dual pressure of saving energy and keeping good indoor air quality, scientist all over the world, especially European scientist, start to survey the natural ventilation technique over again.
The experiment results revealed the proposed algorithm is computationally efficient while keeping better image quality.
Keeping invariable continuous velocity is a basic requirement of assuring pavement construction quality.
Keeping pouring quality would prevent the ingot steel from forging bursting.
Keeping power supply continuously is an important aspect for improving power quality.
So it has great significance for keeping the grain quality and economy value, for management in purchasing, storing and processing of grain.
During the recent years, we insist on the concept: "Keeping high teaching quality is the most important".
Quality must be consistently high and the work often involves strict secrecy, all of which argues for keeping it in-house.
Applying sludge had positive effect on improving the quality of peanut, keeping and improving soil fertility.
Over the years, the company insists the contract, keeping promises, quality first, the principle of the supremacy of users, new and old customers by the praise.
Over the years, the company insists the contract, keeping promises, quality first, the principle of the supremacy of users, new and old customers by the praise.