Keeping at it until a task is completed will also boost your sense of self-esteem and, over time, strengthen your self-discipline.
Seeing how these reminders helped to materialize my goals kept me motivated and excited. While it's sometimes difficult to come up with your next goal, keeping at it brings great results.
"People leave jobs, they get promotions, they move away. So there's always some turnover, there are always new openings, so it's just a matter of hanging in there and keeping at it," Lenz stated.
The laser at photovoltaic cells mounted on the pelican's underside, charged the chopper's battery, keeping it aloft for 12 hours and 27 minutes.
Isn't it difficult being a mother and a professor at the same time and keeping a balance between the two?
Every night it goes on the web, keeping parents and the world informed of the happenings at Pali.
We've tackled this subject here before, but, it seems like something we all face regularly: Keeping work stress at bay when we get home.
Proponents argue that with interest rates at or near zero, it is a sensible way of keeping credit flowing and preventing deflation.
It might make things easier in the long run, but at a time when you're trying to get your head round suddenly keeping another human alive it's hard to prioritise.
This is great for automatically keeping the views in sync as the domain model changes, but it doesn't give you much to look at while you are trying to learn the framework.
But keeping the ox in mind, we were able to focus on sticking to the tasks at hand, surviving the rough waters of recession. It was a good symbol for tough times.
Up to 300 people live on the platform at a time, but keeping it fully manned involves more than twice that figure, since most staff get three weeks off for every two that they work.
If a stable column of mud has been set up in the well, keeping the oil at bay through its sheer weight, the next step would be to set cement in the well and seal it off permanently.
But many think it demonstrates that Britain is better at keeping dodgy business under wraps.
Try keeping some review materials on you at all times - even if it is something as simple as a note card with review concepts on it.
Those who lie on a daily basis or have been keeping a big secret for years may find it easy to do so over time, but they’re significantly more at risk for these negative health affects than others.
The idea works kind of like a moral meter and when it gets overfilled an individual commits some immoral ACTS as a way of keeping their internal tank at a healthy level.
You need to guide them through your site in a way that emphasizes these core functions, always keeping it at the forefront of your user's consciousness.
This may be keeping the rate at which big Banks borrow from each other higher than it would otherwise be, thinks Mr Whalen (though it has fallen from its peak last month).
They are written keeping in mind everyone who's stuck at something, doesn't matter what it is, is looking to get inspired.
Keeping this sort of thing private may be warranted, at least when it comes to the details.
For even greater efficiency consider buying a tankless water heater. Tankless water heaters only heat water when it is needed, instead of keeping a reserve of water at a constant temperature.
It is true that Mr Obama has made some bipartisan appointments, keeping Robert Gates at the Pentagon and giving transport to Ray LaHood.
When I am too sad and too skinny to keep keeping, when I am a tiny thing against so many bricks, then it is I look at trees.
He had a Mercury brought out of the lab, and, keeping Kearns at a distance, demonstrated to him that, as chance would have it, Ford was working on an intermittent wiper, too.
She held on to the ochre bannister with both hands, leaning forward, as if she were keeping it at arm's length.
"You tend to place it in a large metal pot over a camping stove, keeping it at a low temperature, " he said. "You need to monitor it constantly because if it gets too hot, it could catch fire.
"You tend to place it in a large metal pot over a camping stove, keeping it at a low temperature, " he said. "You need to monitor it constantly because if it gets too hot, it could catch fire.