I didn't know what came in a keg and had never contemplated drinking.
"You can't say keg party at Arizona State is much better than bar crawl at the University of Wisconsin," he explained.
“你不能说亚利桑那州立大学的keg party 就比威斯康辛大学barcrawl好很多。”他解释说。
The Sandia prototype's solar collector has an area of about 20 square meters (215 square feet) for a reactor the size of a beer keg.
He says: I do like real beers, but I can't stand keg.
The man that opens that door gets himself a keg of trouble.
Gamer/modder Ben Lzicar turned a beer keg into a computer case
游戏玩家/改装玩家Ben Lzicar将一只啤酒桶改装成一个电脑机箱。
What was once a forest becomes a virtual powder keg of untapped fuel.
"Out into your city" he said "to drink a keg or two and pick a quarrel."
"Out into your city," he said, "to drink a keg or two and pick a quarrel."
I didn't even know what came in a keg and had never contemplated15 drinking.
So, don\'t jump and run to a keg party quite yet, remember that moderation is best.
Keg – Officially called a half-barrel, a keg contains roughly200 12-ounce servings of beer.
A small refrigerator designed or adapted to hold a keg from which cold beer can be dispensed.
Most dispensing systems rely on carbon dioxide gas pumped down into the keg to push beer up to a tap.
Machinisms of controlling surface defects produced in drawing Stainless steel Beer Keg Sealers are studed.
I was thrown the ball while she stood with the quarterback, chatting about the last keg party she'd gone to.
Some of her letters had been discovered in a keg of ale belonging to a brewer who had delivered beer to the house.
"You can't say keg party at Arizona State is much better than bar crawl at (University of) Wisconsin," he explained.
“你不能说亚利桑那州立大学的keg party就比威斯康辛大学bar crawl好很多,”他解释说。
But even a man who has been doing keg-stands is not likely to mistake a woman shaped like a fire hydrant for one shaped like an hourglass.
The Sandia prototype's solar collector has an area of about 20 square meters (215 square feet) for a reactor the size of a beer keg, Stechel says.
Unless it's a frat house keg fest, don't shout across the table — concentrate on those closest to you. This will keep the proceedings calm and orderly.
除非是哥们小聚会,不要在餐桌上喊叫, 专心招呼你的左右,这样会使气氛平和进程顺利。
It gave me a place to talk about theconcerns for my family, the things that don't come up over pizza in thecommon room or by a keg in someone's backyard.
In college, I wasn't going to keg parties in a frat basement; I was the girl who lingered on the library steps each morning, waiting for the doors to open.
In college, I wasn't going to keg parties in a frat basement; I was the girl who lingered on the library steps each morning, waiting for the doors to open.