If you are working on a word processor, you can take advantage of its capacity to make additions and deletions as well as move entire paragraphs by making just a few simple keyboard commands.
A series of keyboard commands are used for the full functioning of the system.
Keyboard shortcuts: Common Windows keyboard commands, such as Ctrl-S for Save, Ctrl-P for Print, and many others, are also available on the Mac.
快捷键:常见的Windows快捷指令,例如按Ctrl + s进行保存、Ctrl + P进行打印以及其他快捷指令,都同样可以在Mac键盘上实现。
When running MultiTail in a terminal session, you can request help, actively modify the display, search for specific text, and so on by using a variety of keyboard commands.
在终端会话中运行MultiTail 时,可以通过各种键盘命令请求帮助、修改显示、搜索文本等等。
Primarily a text editor for serious programmers, Emacs (Editor MACroS) is popular for its built-in macros and powerful keyboard commands that make editing text documents—particularly code—a pleasure.
A musician may play a MIDI controller such as a keyboard, but the MIDI commands generated from the keyboard can be used to control one or more other instruments.
Finally, a MIDI input application ACTS as an information provider by capturing MIDI commands entered via a controller such as a keyboard and publishing them to the broker.
Rules-matching and commands are only performed when the applications have been inactive, so any keyboard or mouse activity resets the application-inactivity timers.
If you've ever used a Windows PC, you already know the keyboard shortcuts and mouse commands.
These commands are also available from the run menu, and by using the keyboard shortcuts: F5, F6, and F7, respectively.
您还可以从运行菜单中得到这些命令,或者使用键盘快捷方式:F 5、F 6与F7。
You can use keyboard shortcuts for quick access to frequently used commands or operations.
You can access these commands by right-clicking the files in the file list or using the keyboard shortcuts, which are displayed on the menu.
You can change the keyboard shortcuts for most commands, and your changes are automatically saved in your active Settings file.
Shows how to create a macro that generates a list of the commands in the integrated development environment (IDE), together with the currently associated keyboard shortcuts.
You can use menu commands or keyboard shortcuts to convert the case of selected text to all upper case or to all lower case.
A new technology is being designed to allow the best of both worlds: a keyboard that can also respond to touch commands.
Sub-modules: File Console, Registry Editor, Remote Function, task manager, screen control, window management, DOS commands, keyboard control, there are other control functions.
Mobile keyboard arrow keys, the keyboard right-general attacks, the space bar Poly gas, polyethylene gas-H bond can be issued by the ultra-nirvana commands.
Display shortcut keys to provide a keyboard alternative to the mouse for performing commands.
Display shortcut keys to provide a keyboard alternative to the mouse for performing commands.