The sound of music, keyed-up or passionate, and sometimes melodious, changed into a colorful picture, the misty music has become solid, visual, and full of sentiments.
With you, an affair does not usually build up gradually, it begins full force and continues with high-keyed intensity.
He keyed up all the strings of his violin before his performance.
On foot, he camps out on street corners to assess passing pedestrians, swaying toward passing dresses like someone keyed up for a game of Whac-A-Mole.
They avoid situations or feelings that remind them of the event, and they feel keyed up all the time.
She was too keyed up to allow herself anything as casual as a shrug or a shake of the head.
And the drivers are as keyed up as contestants in any other race.
Days had passed, but the memory still had him keyed up. He couldn't sleep.
Restlessness or feeling keyed up or exhausted.
15th of May is the teacher's day in South Korea, but schools and teachers doubly feel keyed up on the day.
The human mind responds to stimuli, through which it may be "keyed up" to high rates of vibration, known as enthusiasm, creative imagination, intense desire, etc.
With you, an affair does not usually build up gradually; it begins full force and continues with high-keyed intensity.
To Croft's keyed senses, the sound echoed up and down the river.
Almost and by sheer coincidence, the four greatest express deliveries important leader keyed up the fuel surcharge again.
During the period of forced sleep deprivation, extroverts who'd been keyed up by being social had slower reactions than extroverts who'd been alone.
Hsin - mei was so keyed up that his nerves climbed and fell with it. Now as he thought back on it, he still wished he could twist off Hung-chien's nose as a warning for him to be careful next time.
Hsin - mei was so keyed up that his nerves climbed and fell with it. Now as he thought back on it, he still wished he could twist off Hung-chien's nose as a warning for him to be careful next time.