When I saw this tree, I wanted to kick it out of the door and down the street.
And obviously, when I get to something whose square is equal to x, I've got the answer I want, and I kick it out.
However Stoke are good on set-pieces generally so I wouldn't instruct my players to kick it out for a corner rather than a throw-in.
Pop down as hard as you can and with your heel kick it out as fast as you can so that it hits the outside concave and flips really fast.
The brand name of the campaign - Let's Kick Racism Out of Football - was established in 1993 and Kick It Out established as a body in 1997.
Kick it out works throughout the football, educational and community sectors to challenge discrimination, encourage inclusive practices and work for positive change.
Finally, the Red Team's free kick did not use much strength and the goalkeeper could kick it out without doubt. Surprisingly, the ball touched his hand and then flew in.
Now is your chance to find out! Put both feet in, get in the water, and feel how it is to flap instead of kick.
So, he was more or less chronicling The Times and seemingly got a kick out of it (laughs).
Having learned at last that they can "kick out the bums", it would be a shame if there were no credible opposition to turn to; that was one of the main drawbacks of the LDP's near-eternity in office.
The group said it took Britney Spears out the running because they didn't want to kick her while she's down.
She complained to the landlady who warned her that if she mentions it again, she'll kick her out - after all, she's already been warned that her daughter's voice is too loud.
When the person is producing a pass he has to realize, 'I need to kick it not as hard as I would at sea level, otherwise it's going to go out of bounds.'
In the meantime, we got a kick out of Yawnlog and will see how long we can stick with using it.
At its core, Kingsman is a fun, clever film — with a ton of inside jokes that film buffs will get a kick out of — but also one that has something deeply emotional and personal buried inside of it.
Obi-Wan launched himself over a desk, striking out at one droid with a carefully aimed kick that sent it crashing against the wall, splitting it into pieces.
It is said that the Monkey King should be on the show this year, but at last, the director changed his idea and decided to kick the Monkey King out.
So… I kick at it, at the slippery, rubbery knotted skin and veins of it, and more of it seems to pull out of the pool drain.
Man does not bring on his own unhappiness, and suffering is really God's will, although why He gets such a kick out of it is beyond me.
No, they just said that she was sort of a "bad-ass", "kick-ass" woman that is not to be messed with and she knows what she wants in her life and she'll go out and get it.
It is almost the case that every free-kick I see in the Premier League and Champions League is marked out 10 yards, whistle in the air.
The way to stop a horse from bucking was to get his head up——he had to drop it to kick out with his hindquarters——and then send him forward. 《HALF BROKE HORSES》P93.
Sarah seems to get a kick out of it18, but it definitely tires Cheryl out19.
To maximise yield, it is in the restaurant's interests to serve you and kick you out the door as soon as you're done.
To maximise yield, it is in the restaurant's interests to serve you and kick you out the door as soon as you're done.