America has got ever deeper into debt, unable to kick the habit of living beyond its means.
If people really grasped that, they would try to kick the habit, particularly as Britain is the "fat man of Europe".
If we don't kick the bad habit of wasting water, we will surely suffer more in the future.
Unable to kick the debt habit and unwilling to face reality, they are a reminder of what is wrong with Britain's recovery.
Many people have tried many different ways to kick the habit. None of them is easy.
People who give up smoking are at a greater risk of developing diabetes because people who kick the habit put on weight, says a new study.
Smoke got in his eyes. Too much of it, so he asked the Roman Catholic Church to annul his marriage when his wife refused to kick the nicotine habit.
Of course, the longer the monetary spigot remains open, the more addicted to low rates we get, and the harder it will be to kick the habit.
Of course, the longer the monetary spigot remains open, the more addicted to low rates we get, and the harder it will be to kick the habit.