So you can turn the trolley car, if you want to, onto the side track, killing the one, but sparing the five.
A little while ago, there was a sniper killing people in Washington and the one thing everybody knew about it was there was a white van involved.
They wait below the seals and then swim up and crash into them by surprise at 40 kilometres per hour, killing them with one bite.
The ancient town of Aurangabad in Bihar -- one of India's most backward and poorest states -- is a hotbed of crime ranging from killing, extortion, kidnapping and inter-caste wars.
La Nacion is reporting that an unknown explosion has leveled a few buildings, killing at least one person, in the town of Monte Grande, Argentina.
The ancient town of Aurangabad in Bihar - one of India's most backward and poorest states - is a hotbed of crime ranging from killing, extortion, kidnapping and inter-caste wars.
The report claimed one officer told a researcher he had been ordered to commit an "encounter" killing.
There is, however, at least one electromagnetic weapon that is designed to attack enemy soldiers directly-though with the intention of driving them off, rather than killing them.
When, the night before the opening, a man drove a car down the sidewalk in the Westwood section of Los Angeles, killing one person and injuring some 50 others, Americans muttered, "Oh, God!
On February 15, one of Amazon's three geographic locations went down for a few of hours, killing the Amazon S3, the cloud storage system.
There are other good books about how killing programmers is counterproductive for managers, but this is one of the best.
关于 “累死程序员如何让经理们适得其反”还有许多其他的好书,但这是最好的一本。
These fights are always ended with killing of one of the dog as this is the only chance to get the prize.
Glioblastoma is one of the most aggressive brain tumors, killing nearly every patient within two years.
A fine might be in order when, for example, the killing of a camel was deliberate and premeditated, in whichcase the victim receives not one but two camels.
Pairing is one of the greatest tools managers and teams have to reduce risk and keep change from killing a team.
A notable one is whether prosecutions should be brought against those soldiers whom the judge came close to accusing of unlawful killing and perjury.
From a utilitarian point of view, the obvious choice is to pull the lever, saving five and only killing one.
We remain with one last choice to remove the last weak excuse of the enemy for killing our people. We have decided to silence our guns.
One substance isolated from the skin secretions of the Foothill Yellow-legged Frog shows promise for killing superbug.
In one case, the attacker made comments to at least 24 friends and classmates about his interest in killing other pupils and building bombs.
When fighting in Kokang broke out last year, three shells landed on the Chinese side, killing one person and injuring two others.
A little while ago there was a sniper, actually a pair of snipers killing people in Washington and the one thing everybody knew about it was there was a white van involved.
I suppose Sister Souljah thought she was simply expressing the anger and alienation of young blacks and telling them to stop killing one another.
Just three days after the Puerto Ordaz near-disaster, three Caracas commuter trains collided, killing the driver of one of them and injuring dozens of passengers.
The whole idea behind it is that this one interface will connect everything (except the stuff it doesn't), killing off the old guard, like parallel and serial ports.
The coming year will be a vintage one for the cowboy, who will be quick to spot new loopholes and make a killing from them.
The coming year will be a vintage one for the cowboy, who will be quick to spot new loopholes and make a killing from them.