Cohen was making an effort to present a kinder, gentler image.
Backpackers are also kinder to the environment, because they use trains and buses rather than cars.
I could not understand why my father always seemed to be kinder to others than to his own family and why he thinks of others more than himself.
The long-awaited StarCraft II may end up with the community the size of the kinder-garden sandpit.
The most helpful would be – What can I do to be kinder to the child?
To be sure, the rebel forces are often no kinder, and banditry is rife.
Mr Cameron set out to rebrand the Tories as kinder and greener. It worked.
One way to save fuel and be kinder to the environment is to drive a smaller car.
I feel instantly better when I smile, and it helps me to be kinder to others as well.
Perhaps - perhaps you are a little better and kinder than I have been thinking you were.
In this sense, ours is a kinder, gentler, more forgiving country than it was 40 years ago.
Seen as a potential partner or parent, the softer or kinder-looking face was much more popular.
Gueldner is optimistic that kids can learn both to manage their emotions and to be kinder to others.
the paper has been notably kinder to Mr Kan since the former LDP finance minister joined the cabinet.
Look at photos of yourself. Often this will give you a kinder perception of the person you really are.
I often think about that person and hope they were able to move on into a kinder way of treating others.
A kinder interpretation may be that, even for the loquacious Mr Campbell, there is not much left to say.
You can give a tactful response using kinder words, for example: I've seen pictures of some very large people!
你可以用善意的词语来做出机智的回答:i ' veseenpictures ofsomeverylarge people !
“People need to realize that Dave is really intelligent, ” says Kinder. “He can participate in any conversation.
And lucky it is for us that his father took him: the kinder he was treated, the more tedious and selfish he'd be.
What do you think churches should be doing to honor God’s creation, and to make this a kinder and more peaceful world?
Joe Kinder! He is my one of my brethren, and has a really inspiring style in which he accomplishes everything he's doing!
It's too soon to say, but it's possible that a kinder, gentler - and possibly more boring - Internet may be in our future.
There's also the great, untapped potential of how Facebook Connect could make the Internet a kinder, more transparent place.
Mr Swan puts a kinder light on it: as the economy grows, more Australians should be reaping rewards from the "Asian century".
Themes begin with laughter and kinder-ship gardens and end with introspective moon watching and the profundity of legacy gardens.
By contrast, on Iraq, the source of so much misfortune, history may be a little kinder to Mr. Blair than his countrymen currently are.
By contrast, on Iraq, the source of so much misfortune, history may be a little kinder to Mr. Blair than his countrymen currently are.