Then there is the consumer hardware, led by the Kindle e-readers and tablets.
Amazon, comfortably the biggest e-book retailer, has lowered the price of its Kindle e-readers to the point where people do not fear to take them to the beach.
Almost giddy with excitement, Bezos retrieves one by one the new crop of dirt-cheap Kindle e-readers—they start at $79—from a hidden perch on a chair tucked into a conference room table.
But just as camera phones have not replaced digital cameras, smartphones are not likely to replace dedicated e-book readers like the Kindle or the reader from Sony, analysts said.
Since the launch of Amazon's Kindle in 2007, e-readers have become a fast-growing category of consumer electronics products.
She may well be right if the iPad and other tablet computers take off, the prices of dedicated e-readers such as Amazon's Kindle keep falling and more consumers start reading books on smart-phones.
Time will tell if the NookColor can give the Kindle a run for its money, but the product showdown demonstrates that e-readers indeed are worth it to the masses.
With the popularity of the Kindle and other e-book readers, electronic book sales in the United States have doubled every quarter.
Amazon — Kindle 2 and DX sparked a boom in digital e-readers.
It is developing a completely electronic reference desk, and there will be four Kindle 2 e-readers on site.
Mr. Jobs credited Amazon with pioneering e-readers with the Kindle but said “we are going to stand on their shoulders and go a little bit farther.”
THE sudden surge in the popularity of e-readers—slate-like devices, such as Amazon's Kindle, on which electronic books can be read—has been one of the big surprises of 2009.
Before Amazon launched the Kindle in 2007, e-readers were fiddly gadgets that few people used.
Before Amazon launched the Kindle in 2007, e-readers were fiddly gadgets that few people used.