Of course it could be that the wordnik stats feature has a kink in it.
Today, problems can arise from any link or kink in a convoluted food chain.
Perhaps it is only by a kink in my nature, strong in me even in those days.
Applies a kink in the noise function. Useful for creating puffy or bumpy effects.
Kink structure controls natural gas generation and distribution in the East Sichuan.
Finite sum formulae for rigidity and damping coefficient of a kink have been obtained.
So we really weren't prepared to cope with a cancellation or any other kink in our plans.
When you use the wiring laying underground pipe, wire in the pipes should be joint and kink.
See how we put a slight kink in the line to give the impression of a slight curve on the page.
In the summer, high temperatures threaten to kink the steel tracks, forcing trains to slow down even more.
The stainless tubing is less likely to kink than copper but it is harder to solder without an acid treatment.
The stainless tubing is less likely to kink than copper, but it is harder to solder without an acid treatment.
By blending Portland cement and pulverized dehydrated cement paste, a new kink of cementing material is obtained.
A special kind of internal kink mode, the fishbone, can be excited by the energetic particles in tokamak plasmas.
In a squatting posture, the bend straightens out, like a kink ringed out of a garden hose, and defecation becomes easier.
Individual requests are handled in a standard manner, but the batch requests have a kink that you need to understand.
The equilibrium distribution of kink-antikink pairs is discussed and the supercurrent transported in a chain is derived.
By the orbit in the phase portraits, different kinds of solitary wave, kink wave and periodic wave solutions are obtained.
Subordinates consider superiors to be the same kink of people as they are, and superiors perceive their subordinates the same way.
The leads from the model are most easily made of plastic tubing, which has little tendency to kink or leak and has good bending qualities.
We think of it as a time of buttoned-up prudery and repression —and it was —but loosen the corset of 1860s England and out spills the kink.
We think of it as a time of buttoned-up prudery and repression - and it was - but loosen the corset of 1860s England and out spills the kink.
First came Malcolm Gladwell's "the Tipping Point", about a kink in a graph where the adoption of a new idea starts to increase exponentially.
第一位的来自Malcolm Gladwell的“The Tipping Point”,在书中的图表里展示了在采用了新想法后,开始了指数级增长的拐点。
Strong yarns require considerable twist. However, beyond an optimum point additional twist will cause yarns to kink and finally to lose strength.
Their tax benefit of debt accounts for about 4.82% of the company value when they could add 6.36% to the company value by levering up to the kink.
The damping force and the external electric field caused the kink soliton excitation in a hydrogen bonded chain with asymmetric double well potentials.
The damping force and the external electric field caused the kink soliton excitation in a hydrogen bonded chain with asymmetric double well potentials.