Dedicate a small shelf or a drawer to lunch things and kit it out with the basics.
I raced home with the NXT kit and immediately spilled everything out on the kitchen table.
Squaddies have long complained about being sent out without good enough equipment; there have been several scandals over soldiers killed because they lacked body armour or other kit.
Unfortunately, third-party Apple tools are always just one step away from being knocked out of existence, thanks to Apple's ever-changing software developer kit license.
However, I do have a stash of toys that I pull out each time we're stuck in a traffic jam or are just waiting for someone or something. My waiting room toy kit consists of the following.
Why, when I was your age, everything you bought—from your toaster to your car—came with a repair kit just to get the damn thing working right out of the box.
The surest way to get out alive is to take basic precautions, such as stowing a survival kit in your car.
I imagined encouraging you to go out and get a robotics kit for you and your kids as a holiday treat.
Youngsters can adopt a pet monster, and solve puzzles to earn virtual currency that can be spent on items to help kit out their monsters’ world with food, furniture treats and the like.
She was almost certain that it hadn't had a little saddlebag with a puncture repair kit when she set out.
He wasn't burned because the survival kit attached to him by a long cord hit the ground first, throwing up a dust cloud that put out the fire in a 10-foot circle. He was surrounded by flames.
Here we examine how science can potentially kit out a human being from head to toe to create a real bionic man.
Keep your first aid kit, all medications, including non-prescription drugs out of children's reach.
“We will have four or five people starting out once a week around dusk walking the neighborhood with a graffiti cleanup kit,” said Michael O’Connor, the head of the Brooklyn Action Corps in Portland.
For iPhone, expect Apple to lay out the final roadmap for the iPhone 3.0 software developer kit, speaking more extensively on the features we previously wrote about.
对iphone而言,希望Apple指出iphone 3.0软件开发包的最终方向,更多的介绍我们之前说的那些特性。
All he needs to do is shell out $30 for paternity testing kit (PTK) at his local drugstore—and another $120 to get the results。
In case you have trouble getting out of the bed in the morning, Google Calendar's "wake up Kit" USES notifications which are "progressively more annoying" to wake you up.
Write it on a jigsaw puzzle! Get a blank puzzle kit and write out your marriage proposal on it. Break it up and have her solve it.
If you have only 15 minutes before a night out, alongside false lashes and lipstick, this little can could be an essential part of your pre-party rescue kit.
People will be able to find out if they are HIV positive within 30 minutes by putting a cotton swab wetted with their saliva into a test kit loaded with reagents.
On hearing the news through the telephone she picked up her kit and dashed out of the door.
I've been told that the window came as a kit out of a Sears Roebuck catalogue.
Write it on a jigsaw puzzle! Get a blank puzzle kit and write out your marriage proposal on it.
Objective: In order to understand the mess kit disinfection effect on the different type meal and drink occupation in QinHuangdao city, find out the existing problem, approach the solved strategy.
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Because of the importance search engines place on quality links, linking strategy has become a key tool in the webmaster's kit for keeping a website out front in search engine rankings.