Mathilde Epron, 32, said she had bought a Kit Kat chocolate bar at her local supermarket but initially threw the wrapper in the bin, telling herself that "it's only others who win.
In addition to selling green tea leaves, tea merchants have distilled the brew's essence and added it to gum, soft drinks and skin creams - even, in Asia, to Kit Kat candy bars.
除了卖茶叶,茶商还对茶叶进行蒸馏和提炼,并将这些精华加入到口香糖、软饮料和润肤露中,在亚洲,神早还加入到KIT KAT棒棒糖中。
There were a lot of factors that contributed to the success of the Kit Kat campaign, but its success wasn't isolated from our other online campaigning.
针对Kit Kat的行动成功因素很多,但与我们其它的在线活动相比,其实并没有太多特别之处。
The volunteers were given Kit Kat bars to nibble, while the TV person ate either a Kit Kat or grapes as they talked.
Kit Kat Wizard of thousands of Rime, the simple and honest clumsy shrubs pure heaven.
I just want to tell the love of friends, if you love to the people who gave Nestle Kit Kat music box, be sure to express love on the music front.
Of all the odd Kit Kat flavors you can find in Japan this is a contender for the weirdest.
Major brands are the most obvious foci for consumer groups - a current example is Greenpeace's campaign against Nestle through Kit Kat.
I bent down to lift the Nestle Kit Kat music box will be little away on the music stopped, and then I let go bad, blessings and songs rang.
A variety of manufactured mahogany chair, Bed, sculpture, objects and so on the coffee table, Kit Kat unique style, feels as if exposure to wood carving in the exhibition.
A variety of manufactured mahogany chair, Bed, sculpture, objects and so on the coffee table, Kit Kat unique style, feels as if exposure to wood carving in the exhibition.