It was the largest room in the apartment, and contained a stove and sink, a tub and a boiler, a table, two chairs, a kitchen cabinet, a wardrobe, and a couch with a red velvet spread thrown over it.
The kitchen has a huge stove with 11 cooking POTS. There are two ways to cook national dishes: they use either a cooking pot or a char-grill.
Some hams hanging in the kitchen were taken out for burial, and the barrel of beer in the scullery was stove in with a kick from Boxer's hoof, otherwise nothing in the house was touched.
We had a perfect little kitchen with a gas stove, but no icebox, but no matter.
A stove, an empty aluminum soda can, kitchen tongs, and a saucepan. Are you experimenting with a new recipe?
The lower-level apartment is an open-plan space with a kitchen, a wood stove and glass doors opening up to a patio.
Her son's kitchen is in the new house, and is equipped with a methane stove and a solar water heater. Her kitchen still features an old-fashioned Huizhou range heated with firewood.
The kitchen with a stove, freezer cabinet, crepe griddle and two work tables was in the back of the redesigned bay.
With great pride I showed her the refrigerator-freezer, the dishwasher, the washer and dryer, the electric stove with time controls, and the disposal units in the kitchen sink.
With great pride I showed her the refrigerator-freezer, the dishwasher, the washer and dryer, the electric stove with time controls, and the disposal units in the kitchen sink.