Bend the front knee, keeping the back leg straight, press the right heel down on the floor.
Bend your knees and lower your back knee towards the floor, keeping the front heel down and the knee directly over the centre of the foot.
We bend the knee to no one human, any more than we bend to the abstraction of an ideal.
As you begin to bend forward, the spine moves while the pelvis and sacrum tend to remain behind, especially on the side with the knee drawn back.
On the inhale bend your left knee as you bring your arms forward and raise them overhead, fingers interlocked, palms facing up, and upper back arched slightly.
As your foot strikes the ground, your knee should be slightly flexed so that it can bend naturally on impact.
Then, bend your right knee 90 degrees, but be careful and make sure you keep your knee over your ankle, and not any further.
'the COCOON' : Used for smartphones and tablets, the bend in the knee reduces circulation, the neck is angled down, and the lower back is not supported.
To elbow would continue to bend over, if the match better, hands around his head, knee into his face dozens, completed this series of actions, he never has been in a coma with a concussion.
Similarly, for the curtain call, when actors bow or curtsy, they place one foot behind the other and bend at the knee, thus 'breaking' the line of the leg.
The boy put his knee on the bundle but though he pressed and pulled with his arms he could not bend the wood.
Gongbu step into tears knee bend, about two feet of horizontal distance to about 30 cm.
With good kicking technique, you can bend your knee a little on the down stroke but this shouldn't be a 'driven' movement, it's just a slight movement from a relaxed knee.
Then father seriously said to me: "you slide the legs and waist will bend, knee bend forward, the body into a 45 degree Angle with the ground."
这时爸爸严肃的对我说: :“你滑的时候腿和腰要弯曲,膝盖向前弯曲,身体与地面成45度角。
Bend your knee slightly and then let the spotter support you at the ankles during the chin up.
This position is bad news: It torques your knee, putting uneven pressure on the cartilage and straining the supporting ligaments and tendons every time your bend it.
Proper kicking you don't bend your knees too much, but there is a knee-bent particularly on the down beat.
To incline the body or heAD or bend the knee in greeting, consent, courtesy, acknowledgment, submission, or veneration.
Its crucial part is intelligent controller, which controls bend and stretch of the knee joint of artificial leg as well as shank swing and often adopts fuzzy control strategy.
Drive your right knee towards your chest in a straight line and allow the knee to bend to a deeper Angle.
Generally bite in the ankle, start to bend a knee, oppress blood vessel, reduce blood fluxion.
The key to this particular part of the service preparation is to have your weight equally distributed on the balls of each foot by the time you reach maximum knee bend.
In dash running, the hind-hip joint does not bend, but continually stretch, ankle joint and knee joint does not bend actively but passively when leg lands.
Do a deep knee bend, and it's very likely you'll hear popping sounds coming from your knee joints.
A. to engage in armed struggle. I did so because there was no alternative for those who would not bend the knee, or turn a blind eye to oppression, or for those who wanted a national republic.
A. to engage in armed struggle. I did so because there was no alternative for those who would not bend the knee, or turn a blind eye to oppression, or for those who wanted a national republic.