In one experiment, which many people know as the "Frizzy Wig" experiment, he did the following.
When I meet students who think they can't write, I know as a teacher my mission is to show them the rest of the rooms.
He has to know as a professional lawyer, and what is more, he has to apply it on his feet, in the dark and rain, running down an alley after someone he wants to talk to.
But it's likely that we will need all of you to work this weekend so if any of you can't, please let me know as soon as possible.
By far the larger part of the slaves know as little of their age as horses know of theirs, and it is the wish of most masters within my knowledge to keep their slaves thus ignorant.
In order to understand ancient Egyptian art, it is vital to know as much as possible of the elite Egyptians' view of the world and the functions and contexts of the art produced for them.
It's always a good thing to know as much as you can about the devices you use.
There are few people, he says, who know as much about television towers as he does.
So we need to know as part of the inquiry just where's the money? Why has Liam resigned?
The prominent patch at top left is 30 Doradus, also know as the magnificent Tarantula Nebula.
What we know as self esteem begins, originally, in the esteem parents have for their children.
I know as a young husband I gave up what some may feel were the best years of their lives.
Studies suggest that many people cannot be the child of the man they know as their father.
The first one can be handled by what is know as progressive enhance or graceful degradation.
第一个级别的可访问性可以通过所谓的“逐步加强(progressive enhance)”或着“优雅降级(grace degradation)”来实现。
You know as well as I do, that for every thought she spends on Linton, she spends a thousand on me!
One of the greatest lessons you can know as a young person is that you don't know a damn thing.
One loads you down with saturated fat, and the other is a sponge for the liquid sugar we know as syrup.
If there are any data quality problems, both you and your customer need to know as soon as possible.
Therefore, it is critical to tune the application as a whole, which is also know as workload tuning.
Others might know as well, but I don't relish the idea of being discussed so I'm keeping quiet from my end.
There was a man around last year selling canaries cheap , but I don’t know as she took one ; maybe she did .
You must know as soon as possible when performance is substandard so that it can be corrected immediately.
This leads to exactly the sort of combinatorial complexity Microsoft Windows administrators know as "DLL hell."
A typical example of this is for the scoring activity from our example, also know as risk assessment decision services.
Your goal in this preparation is to know as much or more than most employees in the company you are about to interview with.
Your goal in this preparation is to know as much or more than most employees in the company you are about to interview with.