I know you don "t wanna run back home and get dressed, but I really don" t want you to miss such a meaningful event.
Well, you know Don Bradley... he 's born and bred in Los Angles.
Jane: What do I think of him? You know him better than I do, don \ 't you?
If anyone tries to tell you that you are not that strong, don \ 't listen to discouragement — know that you belong.
Please remember: Work today, for you don 't know how much you may be hindered tomorrow.
If you don t know these songs, you should. Or maybe I m just getting old.
If you've ever relied on a doctor or an airplane pilot, then you know there's a lot at stake over whether Don is telling the truth about how tired he feels.
On current projects, the planning tends to be faster and involves fewer people, but it still has to account for both what you know and what you don "t know."
One day,my phone rang."Don,"it was my mother."You know I told you about the Addison,who moved in next door to us.Well,Clara Addison keeps asking me to in-vite you over for cards some night."
If you don "t know the recruiter" s name, simply list the company name and address.
Don n't complain about life unfair to you, because life don't know who you are!
I don \; t know about you but the few days leading up to a holiday are always hectic. There \; s so much to think about and remember.
Don? T set your goals by what other people deem important. Only you know what is best for you.
And I bet the reason why you "re not pursuing something better is because you don" t know what you "d rather do."
Do you know who your neighbors are? What about the person living 3 doors down? Most don 't-change that.
You know, Don, that's what scientists used to think too, and so zoos worked hard to compensate for this by focusing on stimulating hunting behavior.
Yaël: Hey Don, did you know that soil deterioration is one of the main contributors to global warming?
What I don "t know - all them things I don" t know - could get you killed if I come to know them.
I think this is my shortcoming, perhaps, I don not know the next questions you may ask in English.
"Because the assumption is made that if you don" t know what it means then there is something wrong with you.
You don t quite know where to start so here are a few Internet dating mistakes and their solutions.
Tom: I don't know. Don you think Nicole has done a great job this year?
It's really not that hard once you know the do's and don 'ts.
"It seems like a fun event, something to do. I know that most people who have jobs don" t realize, but the biggest problem is, you don "t have anything to do."
"It seems like a fun event, something to do. I know that most people who have jobs don" t realize, but the biggest problem is, you don "t have anything to do."