That is a huge violation to the geek ethic, where you're supposed to be transparent and knowable and systematized.
Referring to a popular British television series about MI5, Dame Eliza said: "I wish life were like 'Spooks', where everything is (a) knowable and (b) soluble by six people."
Furthermore, these written documents showed that as a general rule of fairness, the laws had to be knowable and at least in theory, equally applicable to certain segments of the population.
A multiple feed forward and feedback GPC algorithm for cascade system is developed to make full use of the knowable information of the plant so as to bring about the optimum control performance.
Predictions require a leap in logic and are not necessarily based on known or knowable current in-formation.
But she left a passion in us for the pure knowable world and she inflamed me with a curiosity which has never left.
Hubristically not knowing. Thinking something is knowable in a final sense when it isn't.
Well, "Home Burial" is a poem about the limits of work, the inability of the worker to bring a knowable world, a safe world, into being.
It is given that a method to make use of knowable fuzzy implication operation construction new fuzzy implication operations.
It is given that a method to make use of knowable fuzzy implication operation construction new fuzzy implication operations.